Anyone feel like looking through my journal?

OkayTohkay Posts: 20 Member
I've only logged today, so don't bother looking through my past few months as I have just started logging again today.
Just want to see if I'm doing okay. I'm trying to eat as clean as I can on my budget.
Today isn't done yet, as I haven't eaten my chicken stir fry yet which is what's for dinner.
So, any feed back or suggestions?


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    Breakfast and lunch are fairly light on in calories, and unless you plan on having a 1,000cal for dinner you will come up short for the day.

    You may want to have a look at this thread:
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    Yeah - I would up the protein - to be honest, a pound per lean body mass (minimum) is really required. I would start making adjustments and up that protein intake to make sure 4 meals incorporate about 30gs per meal - that's 120gs = 480 calories. 1/3 of that is spent digesting it, so you are in essence eating less by doing so. I think the carb count is good, but adjust to get your calories up by adjusting protein. You may need to up the fat intake a little - make sure it's unsaturated fats primarily because those have the best success odds-wise for muscle building - studies prove that, over saturated fats. I would do 120gs Protein, 100gs Carbs (make sure 1/3 is fiber), and the rest fats to make up 1500 calorie starting point. Are you exercising?
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Make sure you are weighing all of your food, include any oils or seasonings when you cook, and make sure you are using an accurate database entry when logging your foods (some of the entries are incorrect).

    You may want to spread out your calories a little more to your breakfast and lunch to keep from feeling ravenous at dinner. Some people eat too low calorie at those meals and will eat a higher calorie meal at dinner because they are starved.

    Other than that it looked good! Just be consistent in logging all of your food and enjoy small treats if they fit into your calorie goals.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    Tell us your weight, height, and activity level how many times a week you workout and someone or I will tell you the calories you should be at.
  • OkayTohkay
    OkayTohkay Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm normally pretty sedentary, but am planning on working out for a minimum of 30 minutes 5 times a week (today I did 47 minutes), and I am currently 187 pounds and 5'3.

    As for my light lunch and breakfast, its because I was fairly tight on time, thats why my snack seem to have taken most of my calories today. Thanks everyone for the input!
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    The beauty of doing the extra activity as you are doing, is that it will allow you to eat more calories. This will allow you to eat a bit more if you are hungry. If you're *not* hungry, then don't worry about eating the extra calories. Just go with how you feel. Eat the extra if hungry, don't if you are not.
  • OkayTohkay
    OkayTohkay Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah - I would up the protein - to be honest, a pound per lean body mass (minimum) is really required. I would start making adjustments and up that protein intake to make sure 4 meals incorporate about 30gs per meal - that's 120gs = 480 calories. 1/3 of that is spent digesting it, so you are in essence eating less by doing so. I think the carb count is good, but adjust to get your calories up by adjusting protein. You may need to up the fat intake a little - make sure it's unsaturated fats primarily because those have the best success odds-wise for muscle building - studies prove that, over saturated fats. I would do 120gs Protein, 100gs Carbs (make sure 1/3 is fiber), and the rest fats to make up 1500 calorie starting point. Are you exercising?

    Yes I am exercising, so far it has been only cardio, but my boyfriend has promised to help me start with weights to show me proper form and what not.
    I have an ISO protein powder, would it be okay to use that to help up my protein when I am low?
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    protein powder should be fine. You won't need much. Weight training is a great idea and absolutely work on form with light weights first. You can injure yourself so badly with excess weight and bad form. Been there. :pensive:
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Increase calories to 1300 or 1400 so that you can get more protein. It is great that you are getting enough fat at around 45 grams. We need the fat/oils.
  • OkayTohkay
    OkayTohkay Posts: 20 Member
    Cam_ wrote: »
    protein powder should be fine. You won't need much. Weight training is a great idea and absolutely work on form with light weights first. You can injure yourself so badly with excess weight and bad form. Been there. :pensive:

    That's exactly why I need his help haha, last time I tried to get into weight training I badly injured my back attempting dead lifts!
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    Is your profile set to lose weight or maintain? 2000 calories per day at your height and weight for weight loss would be too high.
  • OkayTohkay
    OkayTohkay Posts: 20 Member
    Is your profile set to lose weight or maintain? 2000 calories per day at your height and weight for weight loss would be too high.

    To lose weight, it is at 2,000 today because I burned 600.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited May 2015
    Your total daily energy expendature (TDEE 5-3 at 187 lbs female 26 years of age, three training sessions a week) is 2144 calories with exercise 3 times a week you should eat 1823 calories to lose weight at a 15% calorie deficite rate. My advice take in 150 grams of protein a day that is .8 grams per body pound currently and 84 grams (.4 per body weight) of Fat the rest carbs. calories is what you really need to watch and the more you move the easier the weight will come off.. Consistency needs to be the word you think about everyday!!