Let's talk Sodium!

hitting that sodium daily goal is important! Anyone know some low sodium foods that are great for taking to work for snacks / lunch

What happens to the sodium as it goes through your body? If I eat 2300 mg today do I work any of it off throughout the day ? I've heard you sweat it out?

I'm having a hard time being at or under 2300 mg Daily especially while trying to meet protein goals.

Any comments welcome! Thanks


  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have to opposite problem! My cardiologist wants me eating 4 tsps of salt every day! That's a crap load of salt!
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Yup, same. I don’t have a specific goal, but doctors have told me I should eat lots of salt and caffeine (to keep my blood pressure at non-comatose levels). Sometimes I put salt in coffee when I make espresso (dials down any bitterness too!)
  • Pooshka2
    Pooshka2 Posts: 208 Member
    Fresh fruits and veggies are good low-sodium foods. Air-popped popcorn is a great low sodium snack (it does have a nice sweet taste to it without butter or salt).

    Water is good (don't know if it helps flush out sodium, but it doesn't contain any). Coffee and tea (home brewed) are low sodium beverages. Diet soda is a little higher in sodium content than coffee/tea, but it's manageable if you don't drink very many cans in a day.

    Avoiding processed foods and cooking from scratch are great ways to keep those sodium levels in check (watch that salt shaker and cheese!!!).
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    if you dont have high (or borderline, even) bp or issues with sodium, its not really necessary to restrict it. the only reason i have mine on my macros is so when i make foods for my grandfather (who is on a strict low sodium diet) i know about what number that particular meal is at. the worst offenders are processed foods and fast food/eating out. Also watch some of the seasoning mixes- they can have a lot of salt in them. and some condiments.

    im routinely over, for myself, but i also have low to normal blood pressure and no other health concerns, so its not a biggie. i dont even retain that much water (i know, im lucky in that way)LOL

    i do drink craploads of water though, not sure if that affects it (i dont think so- if it did my husbands BP would be lower LOL)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    In order to reduce salt consumption, cook a few meals from home using fresh foods.
    Buy two whole chickens to cook on the weekend. Then cut into quarters and put in containers in the fridge or freezer. (Three days in the fridge is safe so you could leave three days' worth in the fridge and the other days' in the freezer.). If you do not like working with whole chickens, then buy pre-cut chicken. Beef or other meet works just as well.