5 stone loss cutting sugar & exercise


I wanted to share my story to help others, I have always struggled with my weight. From a young age I was 'chubby' which in my teens lead me to have anorexia and bulimia. Then after moving out with my boyfriend and getting married, my weight fluctuated I tried every diet possible - with no long term success.
In 2013 I started to take my exercise very seriously, and leaving a very healthy, balanced diet (a lot of fruit, smoothies, juices, all natural bars, salad, low fat yogurts, low cards etc.)
After seeing nutritionists and personal trainers, and although I wasn't 'fat' I was a curvy size 12-14 and still very confused as to why - and people would say that's how your meant to be, that's your shape. I knew this wasn't the case and something wasn't right.

I went to the doctors who did a blood test/scans, and told later that my body wasn't able to use sugar/insulin in the correct way. Instead on using it as energy, it would store it as fat. And without a dramatic change in my diet (although very healthy) would lead to diabetes.

*I was told to use the following rule of thumb, avoid food with more than 0.3g of sugar per 100g.*

This meant no more fruits, natural bars, most diary milk/yogurt, no juices and smoothies. Instead I started a high protein, and whole grain diet with lots of green veg. Over the past 8 months, I've slowly found what I can and can't eat, MyFitnessPal logs have really helped, and I have added everything religiously.

I've lost 5.5lbs in total from my largest but 4 stone of that has been in the past 8 months, and I'm still going down! I'm now down to a size 8, and now at a point where I don't want to loss anymore (too many bones viable!)

The more weight I've lost, the faster I can run and more often. I gym 6 days a week, both weight training and running/spinning.

I am now at the point where I let myself have 1 evening a week off, where I go out for dinner with my husband and have a pizza and a nice dessert with some chocolate!!! But the rest of the week I keep to high protein, and low carbs. I drink 2 protein shakes per day, one of breakfast, and one after my gym session. I have a tin of tuna for lunch or hummus and celery.
For dinner its mostly chicken with green veg (4 days a week) then I have some of the following:
Beef Stir fry with egg noodles
Lean mince home made chilli (no beans), with quinoa
lean meat balls (no sauce) with wholemeal pasta
Homemade wholemeal pizza with cured meats
Chicken, avocado, grate fruit salad

I don't snack, that one of the things that taken time to cut out.
I only have coffee/tea with unsweetened soya milk
I don't eat food that's premade, as a lot of this has sugar in it.

For month it was stressful, learning what has sugar and what doesn't - it's not as obvious as you thing, I had to read ever label! However I have stuck with it, and its amazing the results. I feel so much better, I haven't just lost weight my whole body and face has changed shape.
I feel like this more athletic size 8 shape is what I should be!

I now need to find a way to maintain this weight and health, and not loss any more or gain any more. But I am confident I can do this, using what I have learn!

I hope this may help others.


  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    that's wonderful thanks - i too am losing the low carb way - it's the only thing that works for me consistently.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    well done by the way! 5 stone is a fantastic loss and just about what I'm aiming for - I'm almost half way there.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Great work! Congrats!
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