Getting back to myself

Hey everyone!

Thought I would come introduce myself and maybe it will help me keep on track to reaching my goal (or realizing that I actually have a goal).

I have just turned 25 and finishing my Master's degree. Both of these events have caused me go re-think what I want out of life. What I do know is that I want to lose the weight I have gained over the last two years.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experience serious weight gain. I went from 125-130 to my highest feet weight of 180. This has caused many personal issues for me. But I am happy to report that I am successfully losing weight.

I have to say I have learned a lot by reporting what I eat and burn. I will continue to keep track of these things in order to reach my goal of a 50lb (+) weight loss :)

Best of luck to everyone on here for what ever reason or goal they have!

Peace and love