Do you believe in yourself?

The great philosopher Plato once said, “The first and the best victory is to conquer self.”

I can't tell you how important that step in reaching your goals are. The day I broke down the mental barrier that existed inside me, the mental barrier that separated “I want to” and “I can do,” was the most important step to getting me where I am today. The day I realized there was nothing standing between the extremely obese man I was and the healthy man I wanted to be was the day I was victorious over obesity despite the fact that I was still living in an obese body.

I know how hard it is to keep going when every fiber of your being is telling you that you can’t do something. I can tell you this without hesitation – you can do it. If you want to lose weight, you can. If you want to run a marathon, you can. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle so you can be active with your kids, you can. Whatever it is you want to do, you can.

You can do anything if you just believe in you. I do.