


  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I eat about 1200 cals a day give or take...I had lapband done on Dec. 4 and I am having a hard time adding cals. when in fact I probably should be eating 1500 or so....I work out 6 days a week burning anywhere from 500 to 800 cals.

    That would give you an extremely low net calorie intake... no wonder you're hungry all the time.

    The lapband surgery complicates things. Your doctor who performed the surgery should be able to refer you to a dietitian to help you get the necessary calories that you need, no?
  • kristigibsonzeski
    kristigibsonzeski Posts: 17 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I eat about 1200 cals a day give or take...I had lapband done on Dec. 4 and I am having a hard time adding cals. when in fact I probably should be eating 1500 or so....I work out 6 days a week burning anywhere from 500 to 800 cals.

    That would give you an extremely low net calorie intake... no wonder you're hungry all the time.

    The lapband surgery complicates things. Your doctor who performed the surgery should be able to refer you to a dietitian to help you get the necessary calories that you need, no?

    Yes I do go to a dietitian, but it is the cravings where I have problems and since I it has only been a few months since surgery, I am sure in time it will all adjust itself.
  • kristigibsonzeski
    kristigibsonzeski Posts: 17 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    Ugh Dawn I want stuff that taste cake, cookies and night I had a cucumber I wonder how that would taste dipped in chocolate!

    For a sweet craving, especially chocolate, my hubby & I have been having Kelloggs Mini Wheats Chocolate Little Bites. Good chocolate flavor and the fiber fills you way up.

  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Boiled egg, part skim mozzarella stick
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    Honestly for me veggies are the worst thing to eat when hungry, they just make me hungrier. If I remember correctly they release something to signal hunger, not sure if it's true.
    what I find actually helps is to eat a little bit of everything. I get a small plate with veggies, a few pieces of cheese, a few pieces of meat, some nuts etc. I eat it slowly with water in between. It helps a lot to have little snacks rather than one big meal.
  • kristigibsonzeski
    kristigibsonzeski Posts: 17 Member
    Jasmunr wrote: »
    Honestly for me veggies are the worst thing to eat when hungry, they just make me hungrier. If I remember correctly they release something to signal hunger, not sure if it's true.
    what I find actually helps is to eat a little bit of everything. I get a small plate with veggies, a few pieces of cheese, a few pieces of meat, some nuts etc. I eat it slowly with water in between. It helps a lot to have little snacks rather than one big meal.

    I like that....great idea
  • David_2015
    David_2015 Posts: 231 Member
    Try drinking a big glass of water. I often mistake hunger for thirst.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited May 2015
    Jasmunr wrote: »
    what I find actually helps is to eat a little bit of everything. I get a small plate with veggies, a few pieces of cheese, a few pieces of meat, some nuts etc. I eat it slowly with water in between. It helps a lot to have little snacks rather than one big meal.
    This works for me too. Something about having different tastes and textures is very satisfying. Even if I'm only having a piece of cheese, I'll often have a few mini pickles with it.
    I also buy the tiny sizes of chocolates. I know everyone says 'Good Chocolate' is the way to go, but I like junky stuff like Smarties and Kitkats. Walmart sells a load of the mini versions - most are around 50 cals - and that is enough for me.
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    Jasmunr wrote: »
    Honestly for me veggies are the worst thing to eat when hungry, they just make me hungrier. If I remember correctly they release something to signal hunger, not sure if it's true.

    Please explain...

    I read it somewhere, like I said no idea I'd it's true or not. I'm guessing the real cause is something to do with lack of protein. I haven't read any scholarly articles on it so of course I'm skeptical, but it is something I've read in a few places. I don't remember exactly what the articles said but something about eating veggies first to signal hunger. Idk it was weird. Could be true or false, or I could just be remembering wrong.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I had those days when i started just a couple.
    What i did was in my pre logging every night i made a box for all kinds of things to nibble on for the whole day. Some fruit/veggies and some protein. and when i took something out of it i took a glass of water with it. Together with my popcorn in the evening it was always around 250 calories. Had even a low calorie cookie in it, or some nachos, whatever. Kinda treat box :)
    Most of the time i ended up with not eating it. But when i had those days that i was after breakfast "hungry" ( i dont really think its hunger but having an appetite) i started to nibble on it around 11am. At 1pm i have lunch so around 3PM i took something out of it again. At 6PM dinner and than between 9 and then i ate the rest out of the box.

    It helped me a lot, but i must admit i wasn't really hungry more like wanting to snack.

    And some days ( i think about 5 now in the last half year) i was a bit tired after training so recuperating not quick enough. When so i ate a day around my maintenance level. About 150 under.
    Just because my body seem to need more.
    And not overeating or doing silly things like oke now i can eat that bag of crisps. No normal eating only a bit more and a nice doughnut, a bit of more gravy or salad dressing, a piece of pizza.
    But normal and in control.
    It doesnt matter to do that a day, it didn't harm my weight loss at all ( lost almost 90 since 1st of October 2014). It only feed my body, my will power/determination and kept me on track

    I also have the believe that doing this is not a cheat day, its a part of normal eating and life. And after all you have to eat 3500 calories SURPLUS to gain a pound. So what is the harm to eat sometimes around that maintenance level. Just keep control over it.

    This is how i am and was never really hungry all that time. It helped me doing it this way.
  • kristigibsonzeski
    kristigibsonzeski Posts: 17 Member
    I had those days when i started just a couple.
    What i did was in my pre logging every night i made a box for all kinds of things to nibble on for the whole day. Some fruit/veggies and some protein. and when i took something out of it i took a glass of water with it. Together with my popcorn in the evening it was always around 250 calories. Had even a low calorie cookie in it, or some nachos, whatever. Kinda treat box :)
    Most of the time i ended up with not eating it. But when i had those days that i was after breakfast "hungry" ( i dont really think its hunger but having an appetite) i started to nibble on it around 11am. At 1pm i have lunch so around 3PM i took something out of it again. At 6PM dinner and than between 9 and then i ate the rest out of the box.

    It helped me a lot, but i must admit i wasn't really hungry more like wanting to snack.

    And some days ( i think about 5 now in the last half year) i was a bit tired after training so recuperating not quick enough. When so i ate a day around my maintenance level. About 150 under.
    Just because my body seem to need more.
    And not overeating or doing silly things like oke now i can eat that bag of crisps. No normal eating only a bit more and a nice doughnut, a bit of more gravy or salad dressing, a piece of pizza.
    But normal and in control.
    It doesnt matter to do that a day, it didn't harm my weight loss at all ( lost almost 90 since 1st of October 2014). It only feed my body, my will power/determination and kept me on track

    I also have the believe that doing this is not a cheat day, its a part of normal eating and life. And after all you have to eat 3500 calories SURPLUS to gain a pound. So what is the harm to eat sometimes around that maintenance level. Just keep control over it.

    This is how i am and was never really hungry all that time. It helped me doing it this way.

    great idea!!
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    Get some good dark chocolate. Put in serving packages so you only eat one. Allow for it. Eat it slowly. Yum. I find the more I was craving, the less I enjoyed what I was eating so I just ended up giving in but a serving size (not the whole bar).

    You could try popcorn with a bit of sugar/salt?
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    Jasmunr wrote: »
    Honestly for me veggies are the worst thing to eat when hungry, they just make me hungrier. If I remember correctly they release something to signal hunger, not sure if it's true.

    I think that's just your brain telling you that, not science. You are not really hungry perhaps, and are looking for satisfaction in something you are eating (not actually getting rid of hunger). So if you are eating veggies but are craving chocolate, no doubt you might feel still hungry...I don't think it's hunger though. It's our heads...messing with us haha

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i work out so i can eat.

    i am very rarely hungry. LOL
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    bbontheb wrote: »
    Get some good dark chocolate. Put in serving packages so you only eat one. Allow for it. Eat it slowly. Yum. I find the more I was craving, the less I enjoyed what I was eating so I just ended up giving in but a serving size (not the whole bar).

    This. The better the chocolate, the less it takes to feel satisfied. When I buy the really fancy bean-to-bar single origin stuff, I find I'm perfectly happy eating it one square at a time.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    My go to snacks are mini baby bell cheese and almonds.