Tom Venuto


Has anyone heard of/followed this trainer's information. Sounds great, and he appears to deal with retraining your brain to think positively. Any thoughts on him?


  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    The banish fat boost metabolism guy?
  • FocusPlease
    FocusPlease Posts: 59 Member
    "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" is his program. : )
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Yeah, that's was the name ... ready it last year, rofl. I actually fine tuned my P90X rounds based on some the stuff I read. Good stuff.

    It inspired me to go heavier at 6-8 reps instead of 8-10 among other things.
  • paullie_t
    paullie_t Posts: 23 Member
    BFFM works!

    Several years ago, I followed BFFM for about 8 months and went from 232 to about 185.

    The main philosophy I recall from BFFM was to eat clean and to use High Impact Interval Training.

    After surgery to both of my ankle ligaments and some general apathy and laziness I went back up to 255 earlier this year.

    I had a bit of a health scare this February, resulting in the doctor at the ER telling me I should lose 20-30 pounds or I might soon become a candidate for high blood pressure medicine.

    Fast forward to today and I've almost lost that 30 pounds.

    My goal is to be back around 200 by my birthday in September, which is a very difficult goal to attain, but I am determined to do my best.

    I can say that I am not necessarily following BFFM now, but I think some of its methodology has stuck with me for my current weight loss.