3 years in remission...

rnegron3 Posts: 11 Member
3 years in remission now and cancer free! Now I am focused on being in the best shape/health of my life. I used to live a very unhealthy lifestyle and now I am determined to never look back! Determination, persistence and perseverance!! Let's go!


  • ambersanford204
    ambersanford204 Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations! That is amazing news. I can't imagine how wonderful that must feel to get a new lease on life. My dad was recently diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer and it is just awful. It is a struggle to wake up everyday, even though you know you have to fight for your life. That is what I get from him anyway.
    Good for you for not wasting this opportunity at a beautiful life!
  • rnegron3
    rnegron3 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you! And I am very sorry to hear about your dad. I'm sure that he is a warrior, may God bless you and your family.
  • otey743
    otey743 Posts: 153 Member
    Get it playa. Happy to hear about your remission . It's time to motivate not only your self but those around you . Start that healthy life style.
  • rnegron3
    rnegron3 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you fam, I appreciate the kind words..you're 100% right. Motivating others is my motivation! I cannot express the gratitude I feel everyday I wake up knowing God has blessed me with another chance.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I am genuinely happy for you. My Father died 2 weeks ago after being diagnosed 7 months prior with stage 4 colon cancer. It is a devastating process to witness but a good reminder time on earth is not guaranteed and not to take for granted good health. Add me if you like :)
  • rnegron3
    rnegron3 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that, and yes it is a devastating process to witness. I lost my father in 2004 to pancreatic cancer and I still remember the process vividly. Then in 2012 I was diagnosed with stage 3 non-hodgkins lymphoma and couldn't believe what I was hearing when I got the bad news. 6 rounds of chemotherapy and now i'm remission. I thank God everyday that he's given me another chance. Your Father was a warrior, God bless you and your family.