3 day military Diet

I'm going to try out the 3 day military diet. Has anyone done it and had any luck with it. Hoping it help's boost my metabolism.


  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Try searching the forums for a taste of the derision that this diet is met with
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    Please search and read. And then just... don't.
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    CICO works well for me
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Please don't.
  • Rashanti1
    Rashanti1 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm going to try out the 3 day military diet. Has anyone done it and had any luck with it. Hoping it help's boost my metabolism.

    It definitely isn't going to do that.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited May 2015
    Try that plan and, chances are, you'll lose weight. But it's not because of any kind of fat burning chemical reaction between the foods. Rather it is because you will be eating at a caloric deficit. Here's a breakdown of Day 1 from the military diet website along with calorie counts.

    1 cup coffee (2 cal)
    1 slice toast (110 cal)
    2 T peanut butter (190 cal)
    1/2 grapefruit (27 cal)
    breakfast subtotal = 329 calories

    1 cup coffee (2 cal)
    1/2 cup tuna (120 cal)
    1 slice whole wheat toast (110 cal)
    lunch subtotal = 232 calories

    3 ounces any meat (168 cal)
    1 cup green beans (44 cal)
    1 small apple (80 cal)
    1 cup vanilla ice cream (260 cal)*
    1/2 banana (60 cal)
    dinner subtotal = 482 calories

    Daily total = 1173 calories

    1173 calories is a very low calorie plan. There are very few grown adults who need to eat this low in order to lose weight. A much better plan would be to determine your caloric needs (e.g., fill out your MFP profile accurately, log your exercise correctly), determine a reasonable weight loss rate, and then eat according to it. Don't look for a "diet plan" beyond "eating the right amount of food to fuel my body." From a nutrition perspective, absolutely learn how to balance your nutrition on a daily/weekly basis. But don't think that you have to cut out all fun foods or eat a magic fat burning combo of them in order to lose weight. It's unnecessary and doesn't teach you good long term weight management skills.

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    What kind of ice cream is 130 for a whole cup?
  • daniebanks
    daniebanks Posts: 179 Member
    What kind of ice cream is 130 for a whole cup?

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited May 2015
    Oops. Sorry. Breyers natural vanilla is 130 per half cup. So that should be 260, making the daily total 1173.

  • jonnie256
    jonnie256 Posts: 169 Member
    Might as well water fast for 3 days if your gonna do that...
  • Bobbie63
    Bobbie63 Posts: 55 Member
    Hmm I'm supposed to eat 1200 so this is just about there...I guess I dont understand the problem, can someone enlighten me?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    If you are very short and sedentary, or else have your deficit set to be pretty aggressive, then MFP will recommend 1200 calories. It is doing this based on the info that you have input. By inputting that you want to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week rather than .5 lbs, you will have a larger calorie deficit and lose faster...but you will also have a much tougher time maintaining your deficit, be more prone to bingeing and/or giving up, and you will lose more muscle along with the fat than you would with a modest deficit, thereby lowering your metabolic rate (not by leaps and bounds as those who tout the mythical "starvation mode" would have you believe, but enough to make a difference long-term).

    A better idea is to keep a moderate calorie deficit and increase activity, especially heavy weight lifting. You can eat more, and you can keep and even increase your muscle mass so that you protect your metabolism, plus the added muscle will make you look much better than losing weight alone.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    From previous calculations on the menu, the daily cals were around 800, rather than 1200 and it touted that its special combination of foods (including hot dogs and saltines) were the secret to its success.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2015
    Bobbie63 wrote: »
    Hmm I'm supposed to eat 1200 so this is just about there...I guess I dont understand the problem, can someone enlighten me?

    1200 is not a good goal for everyone.

    My personal problem with the diet is that it seems not particularly balanced or nutritious and definitely not tasty--I did around 1200 for a few months and don't see why that diet would be preferable. When I did it I made an effort to get adequate protein and lots of veggies.

    I think days 2-3 are lower, also. (As the prior poster says, I recall the diet being calculated out before at 800 or so, but there are often competing versions of these fad diets floating around the internet--another reason why it's silly to do one.)

    As for this 1200 calorie version, there are worse diets from a calorie perspective, certainly, especially since this is only 3 days (although that also just makes it silly), but what's obnoxious about it is that it's sold based on ridiculous claims about it's special fat reducing properties (like all fad diets) that are simply dishonest. I mean, since when do saltines, ice cream, and hot dogs have magical powers?

    (I mean, I really like ice cream, but please. I guess saltines kind of settle the stomach sometimes, but maybe a diet that doesn't make you sick to your stomach would be even more ideal.)
  • lizznagelmiller
    lizznagelmiller Posts: 54 Member
    I did it to kickstart my diet. It worked (about 8lbs) but I don't recommend it. Just log properly and keep to your goals. I eat about 1200 calories a day and am very satisfied because I eat lots of lean meat, veggies and fruit :) good luck
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    edited May 2015
    It's a silly fad diet.

    You'll lose weight with it because it's a very low calorie plan, although 3 days of anything isn't going to do much for fat loss. You'll lose mostly water. The food combination idea is bunk and it's completely unnecessary. Also it's not nutritionally balanced. I find it slightly amusing that anyone thinks hotdogs have any kind of special weight loss power.

    It irks me personally because they stuck the word "military" on it to give it legitimacy. The real "military" diet is high calorie cafeteria style food and a LOT of physical activity.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    What do you hope to accomplish in just 3 days?
  • msninanw
    msninanw Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to try out the 3 day military diet. Has anyone done it and had any luck with it. Hoping it help's boost my metabolism.

  • msninanw
    msninanw Posts: 3 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've tried it and had some success but I was weak and tired, once I went off it was hard on my digestive system. Wish I would have done more research. Will not be doing it again
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    I did it too, and read a ton on posts on here before doing it...but it still didn't deter me from trying it. That said, here's my experience. I lost 5 lbs, but I did gain back a couple right after because I was just so hungry after 3 days. Each of the 3 days, all I could do was look at the clock to see if it was time to eat yet. I was practically obsessed with eating because I was really, really hungry. I also don't feel like it affected my metabolism. I didn't maintain that 1200 calories it said to do the rest of the week. It made me realize I needed to figure out another way to lose weight. I'm definitely much happier now. :)