Metric or imperial units

hartland45 Posts: 53 Member
Can someone PLEASE tell me how to get the calorie counts in metric units!? On the laptop it wasn't ever a problem but on a new iPhone and on my android tablet I only get oz, lbs etc. It's driving me nearly crazy as I've struggled to convert to metric.
Please can someone help a frustrated uk user. Thanks.


  • lovethepirk
    lovethepirk Posts: 41 Member
    I use metric as much as I can. When you type in a food to use there will be many to choose from, choose the one with a base amount in grams. Right now...type in carrots, you should see many selections, some are in cups, but the one you want is grams....simple
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    edited May 2015
    On the Web version, navigate to MY HOME > Settings > Change Units. That should then synchronize with your mobile app. If not, go to your profile on the mobile app and change Units.
    Please see this article, and many other helpful articles, on the MFP Help pages...
  • hartland45
    hartland45 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you both for taking the trouble to reply. I thought I'd already done both things you suggest. Everything I was searching for suddenly seemed tho be in cups and ounces etc. I suppose I just didn't go far enough down the lists.