
I've been having trouble sticking to an exercise plan, but walking has always been a go-to. I take 20-30 minute walks outside. What have your experiences been with losing weight by walking? Is it effective for you?


  • K_saine
    K_saine Posts: 58 Member
    I use the exercise bike at the gym! It has been helping me out :)
  • HollyFromTexas
    HollyFromTexas Posts: 29 Member
    I used to use the elliptical. I still have plans to use it but it seems walking was better I think it has a lot to do with the excess weight I am carrying and burning more because of that fact. I would really like a rowing machine. If any one has any experience with rowing machines I would love some advice.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Walking is a big part of my program. It is good for general cardiovascular fitness and can help ensure you’re losing fat vs muscle as you stay in a calorie deficit.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Walking has been quite effective for me. I gradually increased length and frequency of my daily walks, and I walk outside (even in the winter). My routine now is to walk a couple of miles in the morning, maybe a mile mid day, then another couple of miles in the late afternoon - and maybe more depending on how beautiful it is and whether I can convince the dog to accompany me :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Walking I incorporate into everyday routines. Walk to shops etc. Also now the nice weaher is here then nicer than being in the gym.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Exercise is for overall health and fitness. If you don't like other forms of cardio or haven't been able to work them into your routine yet, that's ok!

    Walking is great. It means I get to eat a little more each day :) I would recommend going for a brisk 20-30 minute walk each day - something that gets your heart rate up, makes you sweat a little maybe - but even just getting more movement in each day is really good for you.

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited May 2015
    Walking won't help you lose weight, only a calorie in - calorie out deficit will. That disclaimer aside, any activity that elevates your calorie burn may be useful in helping you emerge at the end of each day with a deficit. That's a great objective plus you get all the valuable benefit from exercise itself.

    Walking is great. I always walked, even when I was at my heaviest. Walking probably saved me from having worse health problems than the weight - my BP had remained low, I had no mobility or other issues. The problem is walking alone couldn't make me fit.

    By fit I mean being able to get out on the soccer pitch and coach without wheezing. Being able to hike in the local mountains and keep up with my wife and kids. Without wheezing. Being able to ride in Provence last year in the wine country hills, without gasping for air, without wishing we were done even though it was fun, while my kids and wife waited patiently for me. Being fit, for me, means being able to run again with my wife and enjoy it. We started doing that before we were married and somehow I got off track (she didn't!) these past 10 years.

    Sure, some of my difficulty was the weight itself but mostly it was my cardiopulmonary system was unfit and walking simply doesn't build the cardiopulmonary system like harder sustained aerobic activity does.

    After returning from France, on my 53rd birthday, I made myself a promise and started running again. I had been a distance runner and knew how fit I could be if my body was willing so why not see how far back the clock can be dialled, I thought.

    Short end of the story: As of today, on my third pair of running shoes and 802 kilometers later, I don't wheeze any more, and am well on the way to being as fit as I was when I was 30 (darn fit). Will I get all the way there? I'm not sure but I'm darn happy with the trend.

    Walking, even brisk walking 2 or 3 hours a day, would not have done that for me.
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    I walk between 100 to 120 minutes a day on treadmill. That and watching calories. I've lost 61 pounds so far.
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    I walk/jog (more walk than jog!) Almost everyday. Distance is somewhere between 5-8 miles. I really push the pace and can do 5 miles in 60 minutes. Certainly this has helped with my weight loss & overall health. Walking will help you, especially if you put in some extra effort when you can.
  • Ocarina_Of_Time
    Ocarina_Of_Time Posts: 12 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    Walking won't help you lose weight, only a calorie in - calorie out deficit will.

    Yep ^_^ I add yoga and cardio kickboxing to my daily routine.

  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I like walking and one huge benefit is that you can do it almost anywhere and at any time, no special equipment needed.

    Regular exercise such as walking will improve your fitness level and on the days that you walk you can eat a bit more.
  • dandydan99
    dandydan99 Posts: 10 Member
    Walking is the single best low impact exercise, period. It is also a great way to instill a lifelong habit if exercising that will serve you well into your senior years. I love it and other than a nordictrack cross country ski machine, it is the only other cardio I perform, using a treadmill with a built in incline program. I have been using the treadmill 3x/week and x-country ski 2x/week plus free weights for 12 years.

    As many state, cardio is not a great way to lose weight as it does not burn calories quickly unless you run or perform cardio for hours daily. Cutting caloric intake is best for losing weight but walking is great for your heart, mind, etc.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I walk a lot. In addition to either running or lifting, I aim for 50-60 minutes of extra walking each day. It's an easy way to create a slightly larger calorie deficit, just a few minutes at a time (I take several 3-5 minute breaks at work, walk at lunch, and find ways to walk a little more at home and on errands). I would aim for a lot more than 20-30 minutes. Do your 20-30 minutes in one stretch, but also look for ways to add in a few minutes here and there with a goal of one hour of movement a day. This has helped me a lot.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    The one thing that keeps me from ever getting too big is that I don't own a car. Luckily everything I need, including my job, is all within 2-mile radius.

    That being said, I walk to work, on all my breaks (both 15's and my 30 min lunch), from work to the market, then home, and on the weekend I easily log in 3+miles worth of walking a day just getting around and running errands.

    This isn't including my 5-6x a week half hour workouts, and I try to maintain a deficit in my eating.
  • leop123
    leop123 Posts: 5 Member
    I used to be 120 kg and I lost 20kg in first 6 months.

    I went to Gym and I was on walking on treadmill and bike 30 mins on each, and in first month I lost only 4 lb. I was easting salads and watching my calorie intake. I hate running and walking didn’t help me with losing weight.

    Once I started doing weight lifting I started losing weight fast, I wasn’t doing heavy weight lifting it was just beginning.

    Walking will get you more active but not lose weight
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    I don't think walking burns a lot of calories. I don't weigh much, but walking absolutely sucks for as far as calories burned. 2+ hour walk at 3.5 mph and burned less than 300 calories. But still love long walks with my fur baby so will continue to do it, but I'd recommend something more high intensity for higher calorie burn.
  • TayzerFun
    TayzerFun Posts: 45 Member
    walking on a treadmill, Yoga and some occasional kickboxing dvd's is how I lost the bulk of my weight (66lbs). As long as you're eating at a deficit and tracking closely. :) Whatever it is that you decide to do, make sure you enjoy it enough to make it into a habit. :)
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    Our ancestors used to walk everywhere! Walk on! :smile:
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    Your moving that's what counts