Recovering from illness or injury

'Ello 'Ello, hope all are well or will soon be.

Just a new thread who people can talk and share their stories and tips on helping to recover from illness or injury. As well as keeping on another motivated and positive!

March 9th 2013 around 3am, I woke up in excruciation abdominal pain and hyperventilating. My father drove me to the hospital where after hours of tests, pain, vomiting, and exhaustion, the doctors finally told me that I had gallstones and I had a gallstone pass through my pancreas. In short, it caused severe acute pancreatitis. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink for about three weeks and I was very sick. My heart went all the way up to 150bpm, I was on 10.5mg of morphine every four hours just to control the pain (which lasted my entire hospital stay), and I was in and out of consciousness for several days.

They finally gave me the "okay" to go home after three weeks of hell. I was suppose to finish my pancreatitis recovery at home then go back after a month to have my gallbladder didn't work out that way.

A week or so after being home, I was still having a hard time eating and then I'd wake up every night to vomit until I kept vomiting for 24 hours...I went back to the hospital. So more tests and they find that I now had a cyst the size of a baseball pressing on my stomach. Luckily it drained on it's own a week later.

Another week with no food and nothing to drink (I snuck them anyways haha) I finally had my gallbladder removed. Then the last week I was finally allowed food but I could barely eat a thing. Six more weeks of recovery at home and I'm still pretty weak, slight stomach issues, and fatigued easily. But I'm much better now than I was!

While I was at the hospital I also found out I have an unusually fast heart rate and it beats an extra half beat...weird.

I lost almost 40lbs in those 5 weeks, and a lot of that is muscle. I need to gain it back and add more as well as burn my extra fat.

Hope to have more people come and join my thread and help one another. :3