Need a good beginner workout

I'm 34 years old, dumped by two boyfriends for other women because I'm too fat, and really hate myself today. I weigh almost 230 lbs and I'm only 5'6". I think I've got my eating plan locked down right now, but I could use some online friends to help me with a decision regarding strength training.

I've tried probably half a dozen videos in the last week and can barely finish the warmups (ex Ripped in 30, JM's Total Body Revolution). Can anyone recommend something a little less overwhelming? The only equipment I have access to right now is a yoga mat, and pairs of dumbbells that weigh 2, 3, and 8 lbs.


  • dragonfly_em
    dragonfly_em Posts: 122 Member
    Check out Rachel Cosgrove's 'Drop 2 Sizes' - tougher than the title and cover suggests. It's a 12wk program with both eating and exercise program laid out.
    Then check out the 'new rules of lifting' series by her husband
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    Leslie Sansone's Walking Videos (youtube them)
    Jessica Smith's Videos (youtube again)
    There are some great arm workouts on Youtube also!

    You can always use your own body and work out; long walks, jogging, push ups, planking, squats, sit ups, etc.

    Good luck!!
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    Hey there : ) Check out They have all different levels of fitness and different challenges as well. You can do this. Commit to eating healthy and being active : ) Also Jillian Michaels 30 day shred...but I personally found it boring and redundant : ) But many have found success.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Leslie Sansone's walking DVD's are great. I did them when I first started and even now when I am having a rough day. Nothing wrong with walking. Eventually you will need to push yourself and it may be hard, but you can do it. And everytime you do, you will get better and better. Don't give up on are worth it! When you are ready for real strength training, I recommend stronglifts.
  • kenyson
    kenyson Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Tig'! You should start yoga if you have a mat. The reason I suggest it is because you can do it for a week and already see the difference in yourself. Amazing how much taller and more confident a person can stand after only a couple of times. I used a video for beginners. It is a good way to start slowly and you'll start to notice a difference in the way you carry yourself. You'll look forward to doing it for sure but the even bigger benefit is that you'll start to want to show off everywhere! With your new attitude, posture and focus you'll be ready to start walking everywhere (aka the 2nd stage of the plan?). I'm sorry to hear your bad news but maybe you can look at it as an opportunity to show those losers your total potential. Have a great week and check back in with me if you want.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Nerdfitness and jefit are good resources for beginners. The former has some good articles on form and fundamentals, as well as some good beginner workouts; the latter is a huge database of exercises and workout routines that you can download. It's broken down by muscle group and experience level, so it's easy to find something good for a beginner. I highly recommend both.
  • helencharlottemay
    helencharlottemay Posts: 8 Member
    I started with boot camp 6 weeks after giving birth last year and not exercising for 3 years I had a full hysterectomy 5 months ago and did the Manchester 10k read my link and u will see its a great way to start
    Good luck and add me if u want :-)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    You know what? The best workout is the one you'll do.

    Maybe right now it's just walking around the neighborhood.

    Those DVDs you already have...just do as much as you can and take as many breaks as you need or don't do parts of them that are too tough. Keep doing that until you get a little stronger. Your amazing body will surprise you with how quickly it will adapt and progress.

    Don't be discouraged. It gets easier - quickly. When it does, you'll feel a great sense of accomplishment that you only get from keeping going.
  • ladyn05
    ladyn05 Posts: 8 Member
    Jessica smith is great! If you want you can download apps that have work outs. I use the workout trainer by skimble, and fitness class by pump one.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Can anyone recommend something a little less overwhelming?
    I would personally just walk (or you might not have access to one, but biking is nice too). I always get bored of videos.

    Do you have a wii? Boxing is fun.
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    As a gamer geek I love the Wii for workouts, and since they are in small managable segments you can grow your workout as you get more confident and stronger.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Just to add, thin, fit women get dumped too.

    Don't beat yourself up. What you need is to be your own best friend.
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    Others have mentioned her, but I also have to give my recommendation for Leslie Sansone. Leslie Sansone. Leslie Sansone. She has great walks that allow you to progress. I have several of her DVDs, but am excited about seeing what she has on YouTube that others have said they've found her on.
  • annalabelle2013
    annalabelle2013 Posts: 4 Member
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Just to add, thin, fit women get dumped too.

    Don't beat yourself up. What you need is to be your own best friend.

    ^^ absolutely right!!
  • soniabogonia
    soniabogonia Posts: 778 Member
    I think 30 Day Shred is a good beginner workout. Even if you can't do all the moves in the beginning, you will build endurance. Take short breaks, do modifications, and just be persistant.

    Its on youtube if you want to give it a try.

  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    Same weight, same height as you. And I started out 30lbs heavier. Honestly? Start with walking! It really helped me get to at least the point of being able to do normal every day things with not getting winded.

    Also - those work out videos will never get easier until you just do it and continue to do it. My first work out DVD I did was biggest loser cardio. It took me a few tries before I finished it. And the first time I did I started BAWLING during the end yoga part 3:

    Feel free to add me if needed. Things get easier! And better! Even with the men part! Was cheated on by my last two ex's and now live in a house that I own with my amazing man!

    **edited for the fact that it seemed that I owned the amazing man, and not the home LOL
  • tigerlily42
    Thanks everyone I appreciate the ideas and I really appreciate the support. I really wanted to drop 2 sizes in a little less than 3 months but I need to be realistic and take things in little steps.

    I'm going to start out by walking and using the elliptical and seeing about a beginner yoga workout. I'll try the 30 day shred a couple more times and see if I can get any further too.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Another vote for Leslie Sansone!
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    Just to add, thin, fit women get dumped too.

    Don't beat yourself up. What you need is to be your own best friend.

    Wanted to quote this because, you say two boyfriends dumped you because you were too fat. Well...unless you have been dropping and gaining a lot of weight before and between each boyfriend, I'm going to assume you were about the size you are now when you met them and started dating them. If you weren't too fat for them to start dating, I'm doubtful that they stopped dating you for being too fat. Don't do this because of some creeps, do this to become a stronger, healthier version of yourself.

    Now, about workouts. If you like the dvds you have, don't let your inability to complete them or do everything in them keep you from trying them. Trust me I often find myself in the same place. Do what you can. You don't HAVE to go as fast as they do, you don't HAVE to do every single move or exercise they do. I know it can be discouraging, but do what you can and gradually you will get stronger and fitter and you will be able to do more. And that's a nice encouraging feeling, too, when you suddenly realize you're doing something you couldn't do two weeks ago. I don't have specific suggestions, you've gotten a lot of those already. Find something you enjoy doing, even if you can't do as much of it as you think you should just yet, and stick with it.