Broken Ankle - 82 days to lose!

I already wrote a post in the intro section and I'm not sure if re-posting is allowed here? In any case just a few straight forward questions. I'm 5'6 female in her mid-twenties at 210lbs (15stone).

1. since I am literally bed-bound currently - how many calories is the acceptable minimum? I don't want to "under-do" it as I'm aware my body needs nourishment to heal my ankle but I could use a number to work to (profile says 1200, not sure?).
2. I have 82 days until I re-connect with an old friend, potential romance material. He knows I'm overweight but I cannot accept how I am (why I am overweight is connected with a close relatives death and me being unable to resuscitate him). I want to move on with my life and be active like I was. 82 days is 12 weeks. Is it even REMOTELY possible to lose 60lbs in this time? I need hope, but I don't want to be blinded.

Many thanks for taking the time to read and any friends are welcome to add as I need support, more now than ever. I'll also be around 24/7 to give it too! xx


  • rstandrew
    rstandrew Posts: 17 Member
    is it your ankle that is keeping you bed bound? 1200 calories is a good suggestion as you are living a sedentary lifestyle as of now but if i were you i would google a bmr calculator to get an idea of how many calories you need.
  • 82daychallenge
    82daychallenge Posts: 3 Member
    yes - I broke it last week in several places and it's still very swollen and painful to move at the moment. I'm hoping it will improve soon. I didn't think of that thanks.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    Very rough calculation: to lose that in that time you'd have to lose 1280kcal per day... The minimum is 1200 to do it healthily. You can lose a good start and a good part of that, but that goal is way too high
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    losing 5 pounds a week...what?

    1 pound a week, yes.

    5 pounds a week, no.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    2. I have 82 days until I re-connect with an old friend, potential romance material. He knows I'm overweight but I cannot accept how I am (why I am overweight is connected with a close relatives death and me being unable to resuscitate him). I want to move on with my life and be active like I was. 82 days is 12 weeks. Is it even REMOTELY possible to lose 60lbs in this time? I need hope, but I don't want to be blinded.

    If he already knows you're overweight, then that's not really an issue, is it?

    If you REALLY DO want to move on with your life and be active like you were, then you need to do it the right way. That means, you eat at a deficit like you normally would, and allow your body time to heal. You will probably eventually have to do physical therapy, where you can talk to your doctor about becoming more active. But that's later.

    So no, you are not likely to lose 60 pounds in that short amount of time. You're going to HAVE to accept how you are, and that your recovery is going to take time and effort.

  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    edited May 2015
    There are a lot of exercises you can do while sitting down. Since it is just your ankle, you are not too bed ridden. You can still do arm exercsies and such. Also, I would work on not trying to lose XX amount of lbs in XX amount of days. if this guy is worth it, he won't care what you look like.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Using your crutches is a good upper body workout. I'm sorry this happened to you. I shattered my ankle on Christmas Eve a few years ago and was completely off my feet for months. :(

    As to your weight loss question, 5 lbs a week is neither realistic nor healthy.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Might it be healthier to lose it for yourself in a healthy manner so it stays off then for someone else? That never seems to end well..
  • Suedexter
    Suedexter Posts: 10 Member
    I broke my knee a couple of years ago. Got some weights and did arm exercises sitting down. Also got a weight for the other leg and did leg lifts etc. So you can do something

    Eat 1200 calories and day and see how much you lose. However, its likely to be around 2lb a week if you can stick to it - but that is still 24 lbs ( almost 2 stone) - that's a lot
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I would ask your doctor as to how much you should be eating, or a referral to a registered dietitian (I broke several bones in January and was able to speak to someone while I was in the hospital). Your priority at this point should be to make sure the ankle heals as well as possible.
  • Kitcandoo
    Kitcandoo Posts: 93 Member
    You want to be realistic in your goals. I was 214 once. When I got down to 190 everyone thought I was losing too much....weird, right? I think you are looking at big numbers that aren't necessary. Let's just say you lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks. You will feel amazing, I promise. And if you have that as a goal you will actually stick to it. You won't be overwhelmed.

    Add me as a friend. I know this is ridiculous but I just can't seem to add anyone on my's killing me! Lol.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've lost everyone else has said I don't think such a large goal is resonance or healthy in such a short amount of time. But do try to lose as much as you naturally can. There's no better time than the present. So don't put it off because you got injured.
    I herniated a disc in my lower back about a month ago and coincidentally was the same time I started on my diet. But even though I was bed ridden and even had difficulty walking I still began a weight lifting program while lying in bed. I used 10 pound dumbells and resistance bands to work out my arms, shoulders and chest. You'd be amazed how creative you can get with weights even while lying down. As soon as I felt mobile enough I started with an easy pace on the treadmill. I've lost 14 pounds in a month where I was laid up and couldn't really work out like I wanted to. There's a lot you can still do by exercising your upper body that will help you get closer to your goal. Just set your goals on MFP and stick to it. Don't let the bum ankle stop you.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    You still can do a lot even with a broken ankle. Set your goals on MFP and be very diligent about your calorie intake. You will be able to lose a substantial amount of weight, but I think that 60lbs in 12 weeks is unrealistic and setting yourself up for failure. Shoot for 20 and you will feel awesome. You might even lose more, but 20 is a much more achievable goal.
    6 weeks ago I had a surgery and can't do anything with my upper body for 2 more weeks. It's been very frustrating, but I've managed to still stay active and lose weight. There's a woman at my gym in a boot who does upper body exercises and works out her good leg. Talk to your doctor and see what they recommend and get into PT as quick as they allow. How long will you be in your cast?
  • 82daychallenge
    82daychallenge Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much for the responses - try not to be too harsh with me guys I've not really been this weight before or tried to actively lose it either. And it's not so much I want to lose weight FOR HIM. I put weight on because one morning I was unable to resuscitate my uncle - the night before I should have taken him to hospital or rung an ambulance regardless of his wishes (he was only 44). To this day I feel responsible. I was mentally, and physically broken - every time I look in the mirror I see the damage done these past two years despite me feeling better in myself. My friend knows I'm overweight, and knows why, but by looking a bit more like I used to I will feel more ready and back to living life.

    I have some dumbells and I will get to some of these exercises I've searched. I just gotta be careful because even slight movements hurt but it's only been a week. I'm sure that'll get better. Interesting since sitting around doing nothing I'm either a. bored and want to binge or b. not hungry at all. Thanks again, any constructive criticism, or eye openers, are welcome. xx