Need Paleo Cake Ideas



  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    gmallan wrote: »
    Could you suggest a tiered cake with a paleo layer and a non-paleo layer. Then you can just make the not particularly nice tasting one as a smaller layer. I know which one will get eaten up first

    That's a fantastic idea!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    gmallan wrote: »
    Could you suggest a tiered cake with a paleo layer and a non-paleo layer. Then you can just make the not particularly nice tasting one as a smaller layer. I know which one will get eaten up first

    That's a fantastic idea!

    If you do that, make sure the paleo is on the top layer, physically separated from the next layer (cardboard or parchment paper) to minimize cross contamination, provide two labeled knives for cake-cutting, and go over your arrangements with your friend ahead of time, if their reason for paleo eating is health-related and not merely lifestyle choice. Even so, having the cakes so close together is risky, and you might want to frost them separately to keep from getting wheat crumbs on the paleo cake.

    (Take it from someone related to a super-sensitive celiac.)
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hey, another thought... I have seen really pretty cake stands, where instead of putting three layers of wedding cake on top of each other, each layer is on a separate branch of the stand, visually tied together with the way the layers are decorated.

    (Edited because... typing, or trying to, on a phone)
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    katrinkaMN wrote: »
    you are going to think i'm nuts, but I use box cake mix and diet pop. it's still moist therefore it lasts longer and just as sweet but minus a LOT of calories ;) I use dark pop for dark cakes and light pop for yellow/white cake mixes. :)

    Is soda paleo now?

    That's good information to have.

    About as paleo as a Paleo cake
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Lukyanenko wrote: »
    Oh, and check out the new book "Paleo Patisserie". A pastry chef took on the epic task of creating incredible baked goods using "paleo" ingredients. Some of my paleo friends would cringe, hard-core as they are, but I'm just in awe at some people's creativity.

    That book looks great! Have gotten it for kindle, considering buying a copy as a wedding gift. But the couple is medium intensity going for hardcore, so they might give it back to me (not that I'm going to mind).

    I saw the book today at Costco for about $25, don't know if you have a Costco nearby.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Lukyanenko wrote: »
    Assuming they aren't Paleo due to food allergies or whatever, just bake a normal cake but tell them it's Paleo.

    This is a really dangerous thing to do. It reminds me of the guy who was head cook for a time at the historic site where we volunteer. He didn't believe in food allergies. He would put nuts in things, without telling anyone, because he liked the flavor/texture the nuts added to his recipes, and nuts were "historically accurate" ingredients.

    He could have killed someone. When they found out, he wasn't allowed to cook for them anymore.

    Yeah, a lot of paleo recipes are almond-based, but to present something with a specific label, and lie about it, well... it's irresponsible at the least. (Especially if someone were to see the label and eat the cake, someone with a life-threatening gluten allergy, who was able to eat almonds, just not wheat. Some unsuspecting wedding guest... collateral damage. I know people whose gluten sensitivity is life-threatening. They trust their friends, when we label something as safe for them to eat. Well, let's say they trust *some* of their friends, the ones who take their allergies seriously, and haven't made them ill when they've shared a meal.)

    Uh, that's why I said "assuming they aren't Paleo because of food allergies or whatever" (the whatever part obviously being other food sensitivities). Did you actually read what I posted?

    I did actually read what you posted. Isn't wedding cake usually shared with guests? Would the couple necessarily know about every guest's food allergy? If a regular cake were labeled "paleo" and wasn't, well, think of the consequences.

    Also, people who are used to eating paleo style can get sick from what you'd call "normal" food, even if they didn't manifest allergies before. It's like the body is a fine-tuned machine that gets used to functioning on high octane fuel. It might have run on sludgy fuel before, and didn't know what feeling really healthy and energetic felt like, because running on bad fuel was "normal." (I didn't know how bad I was feeling until I started to feel good, for a personal testimony. I didn't know bad was bad -- it was my "normal"! I never want to go back.)

    How awful to be miserable on your wedding night because a "friend" didn't have the integrity to honor your wishes, or at the very least turn down your request.

    I am not a paleo nazi. I am not saying it is the only healthy way to eat, or even that it's healthy for everyone. I'm only saying that if *you* were *my* friend, and I had made such a request, and you gave me a wheat-based cake and called it paleo... well, as the old saying goes, with friends like these, who needs enemies?

    So lighten up. The whole deal, how I understand it, is that a *friend* asked a *friend* to bake a special kind of cake (and hopefully make it tasty), and that *friend* is enough of a friend to want to do a good job, and not merely pretend to be a friend.


    You made me cry a little, you are awesome. And she is a really good friend, who supported me when I had a vegan phase, so I will not let her down here.
    Hey, good friends are hard to find. More power to you.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Are dates paleo?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Are dates paleo?

    I wouldn't date anyone paleo
  • FreshStartForMyself
    FreshStartForMyself Posts: 196 Member
    edited May 2015
    Are dates paleo?

    I wouldn't date anyone paleo

    Give that man the ten thousand dollars!
  • Mizz_Mo
    Mizz_Mo Posts: 64 Member
    This isn't exactly a cake - but it gets raves!

    Good luck!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Mizz_Mo wrote: »
    This isn't exactly a cake - but it gets raves!

    Good luck!

    Wow. My kids just might riot if I made this recipe, and it turned out the way it looks on the webpage.

    Birthdays coming up... I have a flourless chocolate cake recipe that uses an entire 12 oz bag of chocolate chips, a stick (or maybe 2? I need to look it up again) of butter, and I forget what else. That has been their favorite for awhile. But then, none of them is overweight. They inherited my spouse's metabolism. *sigh*

    OTOH, I'm losing weight while eating so much wonderful, satisfying food, I'm having trouble getting all my calories in. So I'm really not feeling deprived at all.

    (Did I say my whole family is paleo? They're not. Just myself, for health reasons. And it's working!)
  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    katrinkaMN wrote: »
    you are going to think i'm nuts, but I use box cake mix and diet pop. it's still moist therefore it lasts longer and just as sweet but minus a LOT of calories ;) I use dark pop for dark cakes and light pop for yellow/white cake mixes. :)

    Is soda paleo now?

    That's good information to have.


    Thanks, made me do a work LOL
  • Lukyanenko
    Lukyanenko Posts: 65 Member
    Lukyanenko wrote: »
    Oh, and check out the new book "Paleo Patisserie". A pastry chef took on the epic task of creating incredible baked goods using "paleo" ingredients. Some of my paleo friends would cringe, hard-core as they are, but I'm just in awe at some people's creativity.

    That book looks great! Have gotten it for kindle, considering buying a copy as a wedding gift. But the couple is medium intensity going for hardcore, so they might give it back to me (not that I'm going to mind).

    I saw the book today at Costco for about $25, don't know if you have a Costco nearby.

    I had to Google Costco, so no.

  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Mizz_Mo wrote: »
    This isn't exactly a cake - but it gets raves!

    Good luck!

    Wow. My kids just might riot if I made this recipe, and it turned out the way it looks on the webpage.

    Birthdays coming up... I have a flourless chocolate cake recipe that uses an entire 12 oz bag of chocolate chips, a stick (or maybe 2? I need to look it up again) of butter, and I forget what else. That has been their favorite for awhile. But then, none of them is overweight. They inherited my spouse's metabolism. *sigh*

    OTOH, I'm losing weight while eating so much wonderful, satisfying food, I'm having trouble getting all my calories in. So I'm really not feeling deprived at all.

    (Did I say my whole family is paleo? They're not. Just myself, for health reasons. And it's working!)

    Is butter now paleo? It didn't used to be.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    sjohnny wrote: »
    Mizz_Mo wrote: »
    This isn't exactly a cake - but it gets raves!

    Good luck!

    Wow. My kids just might riot if I made this recipe, and it turned out the way it looks on the webpage.

    Birthdays coming up... I have a flourless chocolate cake recipe that uses an entire 12 oz bag of chocolate chips, a stick (or maybe 2? I need to look it up again) of butter, and I forget what else. That has been their favorite for awhile. But then, none of them is overweight. They inherited my spouse's metabolism. *sigh*

    OTOH, I'm losing weight while eating so much wonderful, satisfying food, I'm having trouble getting all my calories in. So I'm really not feeling deprived at all.

    (Did I say my whole family is paleo? They're not. Just myself, for health reasons. And it's working!)

    Is butter now paleo? It didn't used to be.

    Just replace the butter with more chocolate chips.
    Totes paleo.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    sjohnny wrote: »
    Mizz_Mo wrote: »
    This isn't exactly a cake - but it gets raves!

    Good luck!

    Wow. My kids just might riot if I made this recipe, and it turned out the way it looks on the webpage.

    Birthdays coming up... I have a flourless chocolate cake recipe that uses an entire 12 oz bag of chocolate chips, a stick (or maybe 2? I need to look it up again) of butter, and I forget what else. That has been their favorite for awhile. But then, none of them is overweight. They inherited my spouse's metabolism. *sigh*

    OTOH, I'm losing weight while eating so much wonderful, satisfying food, I'm having trouble getting all my calories in. So I'm really not feeling deprived at all.

    (Did I say my whole family is paleo? They're not. Just myself, for health reasons. And it's working!)

    Is butter now paleo? It didn't used to be.

    Just replace the butter with more chocolate chips.
    Totes paleo.

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I responded to your other post on the paleo group page with some recipes. I just wanted you to know that I have actually used the recipes multiple times so I do know that they work and are tasty. I am an avid baker and actually had my own successful business for a few years. My only advice would be to talk to them about doing the cutting tier paleo and the rest reguler cake just for the simple fact it's a bit spendy to make specialty cakes. I don't know if you are charging them or doing it as a favor but it really would be more cost effective to not to the entire cake paleo unless they (or you) are willing to fork out the dough for it. Good luck!!
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    sjohnny wrote: »
    Mizz_Mo wrote: »
    This isn't exactly a cake - but it gets raves!

    Good luck!

    Wow. My kids just might riot if I made this recipe, and it turned out the way it looks on the webpage.

    Birthdays coming up... I have a flourless chocolate cake recipe that uses an entire 12 oz bag of chocolate chips, a stick (or maybe 2? I need to look it up again) of butter, and I forget what else. That has been their favorite for awhile. But then, none of them is overweight. They inherited my spouse's metabolism. *sigh*

    OTOH, I'm losing weight while eating so much wonderful, satisfying food, I'm having trouble getting all my calories in. So I'm really not feeling deprived at all.

    (Did I say my whole family is paleo? They're not. Just myself, for health reasons. And it's working!)

    Is butter now paleo? It didn't used to be.

    You might have missed the part where I said I'm the only one in my family who eats paleo style. The cake would be for my kid's birthday. I don't have to eat it. Sadly, I have had to give up butter (along with other dairy) as it gives me horrible stomach cramps, probably due to the traces of milk protein (casein) it contains. My body has hated casein since I was a very small child, but it's gotten more sensitive as I've gotten older. I was able to eat full-fat dairy up until recently, but no more.