Why can't I lose weight?



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    You eat much more calories than you think

    when you dont use a food scale you have no idea how many calories you eat

    measuring is often way off and servings sizes too.
    last week i had some cheesecake. 1 serving according to the label was 210 calories ( thought it was 46 gram) i weight ALL my solid food and this piece was far over 46 gram and ended up to be 280 calories or so if i remember well.

    So that is just one food entree, 70 calories different right there, now imagine all your other food you do by measuring and serving sizes.

    when you dont lose weight over a longer period of time ( not talking about a week or some days)
    you eat too much calories and you are maintaining...and some eat even surplus and gain weight.

    Start weighing your food on a food scale! ALL your solid food. cups and spoons are for liquids

  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm not loosing weight either. I never had a weight problem until in my 40's and I am now 52. I used to run marathons and cld eat whatever I wanted. I'm struggling now as I eat a lot of sugar. U can look at my diary. It is a struggle for me. My advice to u is to get ur tsh (thyriod) numbers from ur dr. Get the numbers and look it up on the internet. My dr said I was normal but I finally got the numbers from him and looked them up on the internet and found my dr/lab didnt know what they were talking about ... They were wrong. I am now on meds for my thyriod. Good luck.

    Same for you Juliegray
    I bet your 4 spoons of peanut butter was not 380 calories or you must have weight it to the gram
    Look at the video posted before.
    And for your piece of pie etc etc

    Tighten up your logging and being more accurate will help