Ladies, I need you!

poppymohn Posts: 10 Member
Hello ladies of MFP!

I'm getting married this year (Eeeek! So excited!) and want to rock that white dress. We're not doing the big thing just yet, just a small ceremony in the register office with the closest family because we don't want to wait.

What better motivation is there to get in shape! :)

I need your support ladies, so let's cheer for each other!

Pls add me :)


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Congrats! Good luck on your journey:)
    Weight lifting can really help with your "shape" ;)
  • jallysquared
    jallysquared Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me!! :) So exciting to be getting married! and what better motivation then a wedding! :)

    I'm getting married next year, and going dress shopping in a couple of months, so need to get myself in to shape too! We could keep each other motivated!! :):)
  • ckjess19
    ckjess19 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi and congratulations. Good luck with your fitness goals and marriage.
  • poppymohn
    poppymohn Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you :):)