In need of some motivation :(

pug990 Posts: 2 Member
so I started slimming world and that worked well for me for a while just found it hard to stick too after so long. I need to loose weight but need some motivation to get me there with some help with work outs and meal planning ect. Would be cool to talk to some of you since I'm new to this my fitness business


  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    The food statistics on here are pretty useful to help with meal planning etc.
    As far as working out goes, my advice is always to try and find something you enjoy doing otherwise it just becomes a chore. Or it does for me, anyway!
  • cherileekeens
    cherileekeens Posts: 1 Member
    I find being really creative with my meals is a lot of fun, i struggled with the same thing... I'm so healthy when i'm at work but as soon i get home it goes downhill!

    You should definitely invest in a spiralizer, I use it to replace pasta when i'm eating bolognese or anything i'd usually put spaghetti in (i have a handheld one that cost about £4) so i use butternut squash / courgette noodles instead now :) also i've replaced normal basmati rice with cauliflower rice and it's just as nice but really healthy!! Instead of chocolate i have Nakd bars.. they are so yummy and 100% raw - quite expensive though. I also use almond milk instead of semi skimmed and honey instead of sugar!

    There are alternatives for everything if you know where to look o:)

    Also make yourself a rota and stick to it... i've been going to the gym on the way home from work instead of after dinner. That way i can't escape it or get comfy on the sofa! Meal planning will stop you going astray and will save money too. Get a blackboard up in the kitchen!

    These are the things that helped me, i really struggled at first but now i'm seeing results i feel so much better! Hope it helps! x
  • ChandalNicole
    ChandalNicole Posts: 166 Member
    I do different workouts every time! I run consistently but one day it'll be a slow jog, another day will be intervals of sprinting and jogging, etc. YouTube has a great variety of channels to follow and videos to use! I just do whatever sounds FUN that day! Zumba, weights training, mixed martial arts workouts/kickboxing (I still pull out my Billy Blanks VHS tapes! Works great when you're having a bad day!), pilates or even yoga some days. Just keep changing it up so you don't get bored and start to dread it.

    As far as food goes, I've still continued to enjoy things I love, but with substitutions. I LOVE lasagna but it's not exactly friendly to my waistline but I did some digging and found a baked spaghetti squash casserole with low fat ingredients. It's delicious and tastes just like lasagna! Eat clean as much as you can and substitute healthy ingredients where possible in some of your favorite recipes. It just starts to become a lifestyle change instead of a "diet". I even go as far as looking at the menu's for restaurants before we go out for date night so I know ahead of time what healthy options I have so I don't have to guess and make an extremely poor choice once there. But still treat yourself! Sunday's are for breakfast at our house! Sunday breakfast/brunch is something we do every week and I've still lost 47 pounds since January. Everybody's different but that's how my personal journey has been going and it's been very easy for me to stick with!

    Best of luck to you on yours!