SOS to all the dieting/gym people

chastings32 Posts: 9 Member

Today starts my diet & I'm only allowing myself to have 1,320 calories a day in hopes to lose a pound & 1/2 a week (we will see) tho it's only day one & I'm over it. For breakfast I allowed 1/2 cup of blackberries, 1/2 cup of raspberries, whole banana mixed with a 1/4 of fruit dip. For lunch I have a cup of cottage cheese, chicken breast (no sauce) and Greek yogurt & for a snack string cheese. Dinner is undecided @ the moment.

I need advice on meals/meal preps..

I don't have a gym membership so my exercise will come strictly from walking/jogging after work wait who am I kidding walking, simply because my pops says the only time one should run is if a bear is chasing them, hahaha.

Goal is to lose 55 pounds I realize it won't happen over night and will take work tho I need help/advice on what to do/don't do to keep me on track.

I've cut out pasta and bread along with soda.


  • jeffchung91
    jeffchung91 Posts: 8 Member
    Maybe something with nuts? I always try to get one source of nuts at least once in the day like almonds, peanuts or if I'm too lazy peanut butter. Good luck!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I would maybe move the yogurt to breakfast to get some protein in there. Generally I get hungrier sooner if I have a meal that is all just carbs, or just protein, or just fat, so I try to have all three in each meal (as much as possible).

    Also I love big yummy dinner salads. Maybe a taco salad?
  • chrisssam
    chrisssam Posts: 106 Member
    well what I eat for breakfast is two egg whites and 2 pieces of turkey bacon and and fruit. have a morning snack like some yogurt. lunch maybe a lettuce wrap with baked chicken or turkey lunch meat. Afternoon snack maybe some nuts or cottage cheese. Dinner some meat and vegetables and drink plenty of water
  • Stephanie3399
    Stephanie3399 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm going to add you! I can help you come up with some meals and what not! :D
  • chastings32
    chastings32 Posts: 9 Member
    Maybe something with nuts? I always try to get one source of nuts at least once in the day like almonds, peanuts or if I'm too lazy peanut butter. Good luck!

    Due to health issues I cannot eat anything with seeds so absolutely no nuts and I cannot have raw veggies and very little dairy product... It's so hard to find stuff to eat that's healthy.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    first thing I would do it drop that weekly weight loss to 1lb a week. That will give you more wiggle room and remember to eat back some of your exercise calories.

    Now for food.

    Please feel free to Check my diary minus the chocolate bar I sit right around 1300 calories so far today...I have all my meals logged for today and the rest of the week.

    Breakfast was a fruit smoothie with protein powder and coffee with sugar and cream, lunch is a bbq cheese burger with avocado, dinner is chicken fingers and fries with a snack of yogurt when I get peckish.

    Healthy is a relative term. My fruit smoothie does not have dairy in it. No nuts, no seeds, very few raw veggies (I might add some carrots at lunch)