Should I Stop for Awhile

On March 16 I tipped the scale at 189.5. Yesterday I was at 172. Lately I have been hungrier than at any other time since I started. I saw somewhere that once you lose 10% of body weight you should go on maintenance for 6 months to reset your set point. Then contunue dieting to lose the next 10 oercent. My goal is 150 so I am almost halfway there. Should I go on maintenace soon?


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have not heard this... but it does not mean it has not been said..

    Curious... where did you read or here this?

    I just thought you need to readjust your numbers every 10 pounds as the smaller you get the less calories you need and therefore your goals should be adjusted..

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I think you should go on maintenance when you get to maintenance. No need to stop now.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I've heard people say this, but I've also heard you technically can't lower your set point. So, I have no idea. But you know, every one is different. Some won't want to stop the momentum, and others may need to just get comfortable with their new maintenance. Maybe rather than maintenance, lower your goal for each week (so if you're set at 1 lb loss now, change it to .5 lb), that way you get to eat more, but will continue to slowly lose more weight. Either way, good luck!
  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    it might be worth slowly switching to maintenance if you're feeling particularly beat down.

    If you feel fine, then keep going.

    I had to stop losing for a while because I started feeling pretty crappy. I think I may have had too great a deficit for too long.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    On March 16 I tipped the scale at 189.5. Yesterday I was at 172. Lately I have been hungrier than at any other time since I started. I saw somewhere that once you lose 10% of body weight you should go on maintenance for 6 months to reset your set point. Then contunue dieting to lose the next 10 oercent. My goal is 150 so I am almost halfway there. Should I go on maintenace soon?

    You don't need to go on maintenance for 6 months.

    However, diet breaks are a useful dieting tool. I use them when I get to the point where I am super hungry all the time. In general, I am not more hungry than "oh, it's suppertime" type of hungry so when I start to want to chew my arm off, it is time for a break. I take a break for a week, eat at maintenance, log and exercise as normal, and then cut my calories again after that.
  • yogeshvaraom
    yogeshvaraom Posts: 45 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    I have not heard this... but it does not mean it has not been said..

    Curious... where did you here this ?

    Beth Israel Deaconnes Medical Center on a page about the science of set point. I would give the link but I think that is not allowed.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    You can give links.

    You really did just start. I don't think there is any point in maintenance right now. Too me, it will make it that much harder to get back into the deficit habit.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Sounds like bad information. No reason to go into maintenance. I recommend figuring out what foods are sating for you. Its not the same for everyone.
  • yogeshvaraom
    yogeshvaraom Posts: 45 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    You don't need to go on maintenance for 6 months.

    However, diet breaks are a useful dieting tool. I use them when I get to the point where I am super hungry all the time. In general, I am not more hungry than "oh, it's suppertime" type of hungry so when I start to want to chew my arm off, it is time for a break. I take a break for a week, eat at maintenance, log and exercise as normal, and then cut my calories again after that.

    This sounds like my style. If I stay crazy hungry I think a week off might be the right idea.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Yeah that doesn't sound right to me either.

    With every 10lbs of weight lost, it's a good idea to recalculate your calorie goals. But there's no need to go into maintenance mode. Just keep doing what you're doing. Weight loss isn't linear.

    If you're hungry all the time, maybe your deficit is too steep?
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    On March 16 I tipped the scale at 189.5. Yesterday I was at 172. Lately I have been hungrier than at any other time since I started. I saw somewhere that once you lose 10% of body weight you should go on maintenance for 6 months to reset your set point. Then contunue dieting to lose the next 10 oercent. My goal is 150 so I am almost halfway there. Should I go on maintenace soon?
    A 'set point' is made up garbage. Your body does not have any such thing.
    I lost 23% of my bodyweight 2 years ago (starting at 199) and I never needed to eat at maintenance between the start and end of my weight loss. If you feel that eating at maintenance for a while would help you cope with smaller portion sizes then by all means go for it (although 6 months sounds like way too long) but it's not something your body needs.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    I have not heard that particular factoid, but have to say I think going on a 6 month break when you are only 2 months in would possibly lead to you regaining rather than revitalizing. Are you just wanting the extra calories or do you think there is some special effect you will derive from postponing your goal? You lost 18ish pounds in less than 2 months which looks to be in the 2+ pounds a week range. Maybe instead, reset your deficit to.05 or 1 pound a week. You will get more calories out of the deal as well as continuing to plug along towards your goal. Then perhaps look at things again in another month or two and see how you feel. Your weight loss is going to naturally slow down anyway the closer you get. Just my 2 cents. Good luck with your journey.....
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Nope, keep getting it!
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    Here a 7-14 day break is recommended.

    If you are having trouble with hunger, 7-14 days of eating at maintenance is a low cost experiment.
  • yogeshvaraom
    yogeshvaraom Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks to all for the great advice and resources. A day in air conditioning also seems to have helped so I am sticking with caloric restriction for now. It is also nice to think a maintenace break could be an option and it does not need to be for 6 months.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Don't stop now! You've only just started ... you've only been at this for 2 months. At least keep going for another month or two, and then see where you are and how you feel.

    Sometimes for me, things like extra sleep or water can go a long way to alleviate the hunger.

    Exercise can also help. Go for a brisk 30 min walk, burn 100 cal, and now you've got enough for a decent sized (weigh it to be sure) bowl of low cal yogurt.

    And some weeks are just like that. Last week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I could have eaten a horse. But I was so busy I couldn't get out for extra exercise. Thursday, we finally got out for a decent walk in the evening, and I was able to have a bit extra at dinner, and I was fine after that. :)
  • bareessentials56
    bareessentials56 Posts: 30 Member
    That usually happens to me. I get so hungry I'll eat anything. When it happens I usually take two weeks off from calorie counting and just eat whatever I want as long as its healthy and I usually don't eat more then 2300 cals a day when I do at a guess
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    On March 16 I tipped the scale at 189.5. Yesterday I was at 172. Lately I have been hungrier than at any other time since I started. I saw somewhere that once you lose 10% of body weight you should go on maintenance for 6 months to reset your set point. Then contunue dieting to lose the next 10 oercent. My goal is 150 so I am almost halfway there. Should I go on maintenace soon?

    I lost on average 1kg per week for for 300 days. Well tomorrow is 300.

    I have lost like 30% weight and I have no plans on going on maintenance any time soon.

    Maybe slow down if you nearing your goal weight but I am unaware of any reason to stop. Especially for 6 months.

    Make sure your eating fats and proteins, they help with hunger.
  • yogeshvaraom
    yogeshvaraom Posts: 45 Member
    That is something I have done three times. It is how I started this diet What I call going on Vegan Atkins. I am vegan all the time so going way lo carb involves a lot of processed soy product like Boca Butgers and soy hot dogs and plain old tofu I am not hungry on those days but do get bored.
    I much prefer the variety of being lo cal only but it is not as satsfying for some reason in general. Of couse some days it is. I also find the days when I am most physically active the easiest...