NPC bikini competiting

angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
Hi everyone! So I've been thinking about getting into bikini competitions for awhile now, but dont know too much about it. Like how should I get into it and what's some advice? Thanks :)


  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    Find a trusted diet and contest prep coach.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Find a trusted diet and contest prep coach.

    This. There's a lot more to it then just putting on a bikini and walking up on stage.
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    Competition dieting is no joke...also your training for what the judges are looking for...dem glutes! Huge fan of bikini contest by the of luck. You'll learn a lot about yourself if you do it right.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I think you'll do great!
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Competition dieting is no joke...also your training for what the judges are looking for...dem glutes! Huge fan of bikini contest by the of luck. You'll learn a lot about yourself if you do it right.

    And know that even if you think you know what the judges are looking could end up surprised. Sometimes they want a 'softer' look, sometimes harder and it can vary within a short period of time. Edited to add: Quite a few of the girls who do bikini get surprised (I can think of three at my gym who had that happen). Don't let yourself get bogged down in meeting certain expectation, sculpt your body and enjoy the process!
  • MattBeFit
    MattBeFit Posts: 297 Member
    Great responses in here so far. @BigLifter10 is spot on with the subjectivity of judges. I just finished my first physique competition on Saturday and it was a lot of fun even without winning!

    Just to echo the quality advice so far:

    1.) Find a solid coach and follow their advice. If they say have a cheat meal or a junk load, do it.
    2.) It is a competition against yourself.

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Really know why you want to do it, and make it worth it. Prepping is taxing physically and mentally, and not something I'd be doing just because...

    If you want to compete because you think you'll get a great body... Don't. If you have any body issues now, you'll likely have more if you compete. If you love your body now, and don't want to tackle body issues, don't compete... You'll likely develop them and struggle to get to that point again.

    It takes (lots of) money, time, sacrifice etc, so the "why" is important. Go to some shows. Find out what it's about. Find a decent coach to prep you, who works in a way you resonate with (in terms of nutrition and training), who has girls getting good results on and off season. You need someone to support you off season too - a coach shouldn't just finish with you on comp day. I would consider trying to grow and develop first, not just jump on stage at the next opportunity.
  • turkishmelly
    turkishmelly Posts: 129 Member
    I'm doing my first bikini show on September. I think you should go for it but ask yourself why you wanna do this. I just started 2 weeks ago and in tears almost everyday. It needs dedication and hard work. First you need a show a date. Then coach.. posing classes bikini shoes tan uhh good luck you got this
  • angelbarbz123
    angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone! Putting it into account
    I'm doing my first bikini show on September. I think you should go for it but ask yourself why you wanna do this. I just started 2 weeks ago and in tears almost everyday. It needs dedication and hard work. First you need a show a date. Then coach.. posing classes bikini shoes tan uhh good luck you got this
    I know! Ahhh so much stress but I've been thinking about it for a long time, and really wanna do it. Thanks for the advice and good luck girl!

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I'm doing my first bikini show on September. I think you should go for it but ask yourself why you wanna do this. I just started 2 weeks ago and in tears almost everyday. It needs dedication and hard work. First you need a show a date. Then coach.. posing classes bikini shoes tan uhh good luck you got this

    If something was causing me to be in tears everyday I'd be questioning what I was doing. Change the goal, or change how you're going to achieve the goal. Life is too short!