The Final Push

Ok so last March, I was 320 pounds. Now I'm 220 pounds. I'll cut right to the chase, it was hard, and I am still not done. I want and need to be 190-195 pounds, I'm in the Army, so exercise is the easy part. The hard part is the dining facility. I don't know if anyone has ever been to a DFAC, but protein is scarce, but there is a big salad bar. I have two questions. First, does anyone have any tips for this last 25-30 pounds? And second, how much different do you look after the last 20-30, cause I really don't look that much different from 320 at 220 right now.


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Did you take before and after pictures? I am quite certain that 320 and 220 look very different. You don't see it, because you live with the image in the mirror every day! When you are lighter 25-30 lbs can be a very big difference. If you don't have pictures to do a side by side comparison take them, you will not be disappointed. As for the first question, I think many could be taking tips from you! Congrats on 100lbs down.

    Sorry, I'm not much help :smile:
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I truly think that's awesome. Congrats on the 100 pounds. I think it's time you hit those heavy weights a put on some serious muscle. You may not notice the difference by losing 100 pounds but I'm sure those around you have noticed. Keep up what your doing and and never let it come back. :)