Tapout XT Nutrition Plan


I'm a newbie here with a question.

I just purchased Tapout XT and I'm really excited to throw my everything into it, including following the diet. Only thing is, I live in Australia where its basically impossible to get turkey bacon, sausages, even turkey breast is a struggle. Could I replace the turkey with something else? It seems to pop up in all the meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

I'm not sure whether I have posted my question to the right spot, but hopefully someone can give me an idea!




  • Chicken sausage / chicken breast?

    You can use pork bacon, just use 1/2 of what the diet calls for in turkey bacon (if it says have 4 slices of turkey bacon, have 2 slices of normal bacon). As another alternate you can use a slice of deli meat in place of the bacon.
  • Thank you for your help! I half assumed I could replace turkey breast and sausage with chicken breast and sausage, but didnt have a clue about the bacon. I dont really like pork bacon, so I'll substitute with some deli meat.

    Again, thanks a heap!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    woolies: shoulder bacon
    coles: picnic primo

    Both very low fat.

    Alternatively, any other lean meat really. We get less turkey but we do get plenty of roo :smile:
  • hey there I live in Queensland and use Turkey mince from Coles!