Going to a camp for a week need food suggestions please!

Joezeeah Posts: 14 Member
edited May 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I'm going to a church camp for one week in June in Kentucky. Its on a mountain and far from the city. The foods served there are mostly high in calories and in high sodium content. Since I've started my journey, I have been eating clean and prepping all of my foods. So, a week away from the gym and being served foods that are very unhealthy are giving me stress. I'm planning on bringing my protein bars, peanut butter, protein shake, rice cakes, apples and oranges. I'm also planning to bring a resistance band to do some body weight exercises in the morning. Does anybody have suggestions on what other foods that I could bring along?


  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Do they have extra fridge space you can use? Greek yogurt is a fave way for me to get protein and keep my sweet tooth happy. Also, if you like fish, my hubby adores salmon pouches. They don't even need refrigeration. And Perky Jerky and low sodium mixed nuts. That's good stuff too!