Any Other Army Girlfriends Here?

How are you coping with your man being gone, and still trying to work on your body..
My man deploys in August and is currently gone for more training..
I have so much Anxiety right now and I dont realy know how to do deal with this..


  • clairelindy
    clairelindy Posts: 68 Member
    hi hun I WAS a army girlfriend it was hard and at first I used to eat to comfort myself ,then when I knew he would be coming back I would starve myself so I would lose weight to look good for him. it never worked tho as I was up and down with emotion.
    best thing to keep your mind busy go to the gym and work out because more than likely when you are doing a gym session you are not thinking about your boyfriend not in a bad way but its hard because you worry all the time about him. if you work at your body I bet he is thinking about you all day and he cant wait to get back to you

    if you need to chat I am her hun , you should be proud to be a army girlfriend
    good luck xx
  • sexymuffintop
    Just a note. Be careful what you post on the internet. There's a lot of nasty people out there who can gather a LOT of information on the net if they choose to. It might sound alarmist but you can not be too careful in the present climate.
  • deannafaye94
    deannafaye94 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm an army girlfriend too and i know exactly how hard it is! My boyfriend was in afghan for 4 months this year, came back for a bit and now we're in different countries again for the next 5 weeks. We've only spent 4 weeks together this year so it hasn't exactly been an easy ride. But I found concentrating on my body was actually a welcome distraction Going to the gym kept me busy and lifted my mood and having some fitness goals meant I could focus on something other than how much I was missing him. Of course there were days when all i wanted to do was curl up in bed and eat chocolate and junk food and cry but they become rarer as time goes on because I promise it does get easier. Communication, talking about the future, being loving towards each other and generally having a bit of a laugh are sooo important during the whole process. Get your man involved in your fitness/diet plans so he knows how to support you....maybe turn it into a bit of a competition (who can do the most sit-ups etc) so it turns into an activity you can do together. I found that thinking about how my body would look when he gets back was a huge motivation. But most importantly, the biggest advice I can give you is don't feel guilty about focussing on you. People tend to think that all we should do is support our partners while they're away fighting a war, and of course we should. But we don't support them because they're in the army, we support them because we love them. And they should support us too. The non-stop worrying and fear is something which no one else can understand...its draining and exhausting. and so don't ever feel bad for taking some time out and focusing on you. surround yourself by great friends, continue your social life, don't exclude yourself from anything just because you're feeling down, and find people to talk to who can understand what you're going through (feel free to message me if you want)
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    I'm not an Army girlfriend but I am an Air Force wife. :) My husband has been in the military for 6 years and we've been married one. It was really hard being away from each other for all those years especially when he got deployed. But you can get through it! Just have faith in one another and remember that what he's doing is for the better! Add me if you want to ever talk about it. :)
  • Supastarrnikki
    I was doing great at going to the gym everyday, dieting well while he was gone for a few months awhile back, but since then he's been here for a couple weeks, gone for a few more weeks, back again, and now gone again for awhile.. so i havnt been focusing on ME much, and now I just dont have the motivation to go to them gym.. All I want is him back home.