Whats more important diet or exercise?

I know they go with one another but for a begginer starting out do you think its more important to start improving their diet or start with exercise? again I know ultimately you need both but where is a good starting point to help see results and build up that motivation and desire to hit it hard


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Both are important, but the old saying is "You can't out-train a bad diet". If you're looking to lose weight, calories are king - set a reasonable calorie deficit and stick with it. Training will help with body composition (building a good physique instead of just being a smaller version of the current you), but if your calorie intake is greater than your daily expenditure, you can train all you want to and you won't lose weight.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I would say diet, personally. It's not impossible, but it is quite difficult, to out-exercise a bad diet!

    I always recommend people change their diet slowly though. Not go for a "diet" but to make overall lifestyle changes that are healthy and sustainable for the long term. Slowly but surely - it doesn't create the quickest initial body changes, but that sustainability bit makes a huge difference over a long period of time!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Whats more important? A number on a scale or an improved physique and better health?

    failure to incorporate resistance training will result in faster WEIGHT loss and a feeling of success... that lasts up until you start plateauing and realize how much muscle you've lost... do both.. not one... regaining muscle is a lengthy process, especially for women... it will take a LOT longer to gain it back than it did to lose it.. smaller number on scale= diet only... actually look better and be healthier= both diet and training.
  • earltj
    earltj Posts: 9
    Diet is more important because you can lose wt. without exercise. Have you ever gotten sick, saw someone hospitalized and they can't eat or don't eat, they will lose wt. Exercise is important because it helps maintain muscle mass.
  • aFootballLife25
    aFootballLife25 Posts: 63 Member
    Diet for sure... And it's not even close.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Yes diet.

    But for me, it's so much easier to eat well when I workout.
  • starvinkevin
    starvinkevin Posts: 331
    Diet for short-term weight loss, exercise for long-term - every single time I've stopped exercising or attempted to lose weight through diet alone, I regain whatever weight loss within a month or so. In contrast, if I run, I can keep the weight off for up to a year.
  • shortie_sarah
    shortie_sarah Posts: 177 Member
    Whats more important? A number on a scale or an improved physique and better health?

    failure to incorporate resistance training will result in faster WEIGHT loss and a feeling of success... that lasts up until you start plateauing and realize how much muscle you've lost... do both.. not one... regaining muscle is a lengthy process, especially for women... it will take a LOT longer to gain it back than it did to lose it.. smaller number on scale= diet only... actually look better and be healthier= both diet and training.

    I second this ^^
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Yes diet.

    But for me, it's so much easier to eat well when I workout.

    I find, sometimes, that I can be the same way! Working on my consistency.
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    I find both to be pretty important. If I had to pick one, though, it would be diet.

    ETA: The small dietary/lifestyle changes that I have implemented over the course of the last year are what I believe to be the main reason that all this change stayed with me and I am still continuing to make things better and better. I also made a point to enjoy these changes and not feel like I was forcing myself to do it. If you want it and you enjoy it during the process, there is a higher likelihood of these changes sticking with you in the long term. Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to be perfect if you are just starting out. JUST try to be better than yesterday, even if it is a tiny, tiny bit better. :-) "Progress not perfection"
  • starvinkevin
    starvinkevin Posts: 331
    DIET does work - if u want to lose weight fast... but can you maintain that weight loss without exercise cuz eventually ur gonna stop dieting and go back to eating crap again... if u exercise regularly the rebound weight gain will be minimal.
  • Sea_Siren
    Sea_Siren Posts: 4
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    To play devil's advocate, dieting certainly won't make you any fitter though.
  • Emisole
    Emisole Posts: 65
    It depends on what you want. Fitness? Endurance? Exercise. Healthy heart and being able to fit into your pants? Diet.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Diet. If your just going to eat a ton of crap - you won't be able to fuel your workouts, get good nutrition, and really - with only exercise, you won't see as much results and long term success (as the root cause is not dealt with - unhealthy eating habits)
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Diet for losing weight. Exercise for body composition.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    More important for what goal? If its cardiovascular health or gaining strength, etc... then exercise, if its losing weight, getting a disease like diabetes under control, etc then diet is likely more crucial.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I know they go with one another but for a begginer starting out do you think its more important to start improving their diet or start with exercise? again I know ultimately you need both but where is a good starting point to help see results and build up that motivation and desire to hit it hard

    The gym I lifted weights at for years had a poster in the free weight section . It said " Don't forget, a six-pack is mostly made in the kitchen ".