hey all I'm new here

I thought I was a special case. Boy was I wrong...
I'm 32, 6ft make and was 145lbs in December. I'm now at 161, but have hit a wall.
I'm like all of you, eating to survive, to busy to eat, etc.
I need to put on some mass. Im so sick of people saying "OMG you want to gain weight? I wish I had that problem" or "you're so lucky, you can eat whatever you want"... You wouldn't call a fat person fast, so why is it okay to be called skinny?
Anyways, looking for some people on the same boat as me, who will kick my butt when I fall short...


  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Nothing wrong with wanting to gain bro. But 16lbs in 6 months for a beginner seems like the start of the dreamer bulk and packing on way too much bodyfat. The first 2-3 months you really shouldn't gain any weight (should actually be able to lose some weight) since all the strength gains come from neural adaption and not actual new fiber production. What is your calorie intake like every day? Program?
  • emezrahi
    emezrahi Posts: 12 Member
    Brolympus wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with wanting to gain bro. But 16lbs in 6 months for a beginner seems like the start of the dreamer bulk and packing on way too much bodyfat. The first 2-3 months you really shouldn't gain any weight (should actually be able to lose some weight) since all the strength gains come from neural adaption and not actual new fiber production. What is your calorie intake like every day? Program?

    thanks for the reply. im on a 3 day routine, that cycles through 4 days a week (meaning on day 4, i start the 3 day routine again). this was given to me by my trainer (who i stopped using & started doing it on my own).
    Day 1: Chest & Back
    Day 2: Bis Tris & Shoulders
    Day 3: Legs
    i throw in abs every day.

    According to MFP, my calorie intake should be 2910 per day, but im at 2000 - 2400. I started (this week) eating more oats (which tastes like crap) in order to increase my daily carb intake, but i stil cant hit that 2900 mark.

  • ryanchang
    ryanchang Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm in the same boat. Gaining weight is near impossible for me. I have reached 160 before but my body always defaults back to 152ish I don't keep up with my eating.

    I'm definitely not complaining. I'm glad I can eat whatever I want and I'm happy with my body but my dream weight would be 165-170. I'm 5'11".

    Anyway, I recently received a meal plan from this ripped dude who clearly knows what he's doing. His plan is straight forward. Eat whatever you want but keep you macros in the right proportion. He plays with the ratios depending on the scenario but 30% fat 35% protein and 35% carbs is a good place to start.

    I've found this really helpful in guiding my decisions, using this app to track of course. And what I love about it is that you're not restricted in eating the things you enjoy nor are you forced to eat the things you don't like. Of course it doesn't take into consideration salt intake, fiber, etc. so you just have to be aware of those things but they don't drive your diet. I started in back in April but then did a lot of traveling and fell ill. I was seeing positive results but only recently started again.

    My current target is 3000 calories daily which is challenging but not impossible to do. One of the tricks in staying in the right proportions is to constantly monitor and have foods that are high in one particular macro to compensate when you're falling short. Don't worry about timing or anything just make sure at the end of the day your ratios are right and you are hitting your calorie goal. And supplement fiber and vitamins/minerals.

    Happy to talk more about it if you have any questions!

  • DavidJamesFit
    DavidJamesFit Posts: 14 Member
    My problem is WHEN to eat. I'm a teacher and only have a break at lunch. It's hard to justify eating in front of the kids especially when some have barely any food at home. Anyway... I'm working on getting creative without putting a bunch of processed crap in my body and calling it high quality consumption.
  • whitecloud987
    whitecloud987 Posts: 3 Member
    Some people just have a low natural body weight and trying to increase it could be a waste of time as you will either return to the mean or convert to fat.
    I'm 76.2kg at the moment but my natural body weight is between 78-79 I used this website to see what is going on, as I was 74kg when I started logging food. I quickly realised that I wasn't eating enough protein, I think I was eating half the recommended amount. When I weight-trained I reach a max of 83kg with little fat on me. That involved eating a lot of protein in the form of chicken and pulses. I don't do that any more because over doing it on protein creates all sorts of health problems including kidney, liver and joints. So my goal is 78kg by increasing my protein intake to normal levels. I've added plenty of nuts to my diet because they are high in protein and high in good fats.

  • emezrahi
    emezrahi Posts: 12 Member
    Some people just have a low natural body weight and trying to increase it could be a waste of time as you will either return to the mean or convert to fat.
    I'm 76.2kg at the moment but my natural body weight is between 78-79 I used this website to see what is going on, as I was 74kg when I started logging food. I quickly realised that I wasn't eating enough protein, I think I was eating half the recommended amount. When I weight-trained I reach a max of 83kg with little fat on me. That involved eating a lot of protein in the form of chicken and pulses. I don't do that any more because over doing it on protein creates all sorts of health problems including kidney, liver and joints. So my goal is 78kg by increasing my protein intake to normal levels. I've added plenty of nuts to my diet because they are high in protein and high in good fats.

    i had no idea that overdoing protein can cause health issues. i need to look into that, but i dont think im really overdoing it. My average intake is about 100g/day. thanks for the tip! ill be cautious about it, going forward
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    sure add me, I am currently bulking until end of June or July
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    emezrahi wrote: »
    Some people just have a low natural body weight and trying to increase it could be a waste of time as you will either return to the mean or convert to fat.
    I'm 76.2kg at the moment but my natural body weight is between 78-79 I used this website to see what is going on, as I was 74kg when I started logging food. I quickly realised that I wasn't eating enough protein, I think I was eating half the recommended amount. When I weight-trained I reach a max of 83kg with little fat on me. That involved eating a lot of protein in the form of chicken and pulses. I don't do that any more because over doing it on protein creates all sorts of health problems including kidney, liver and joints. So my goal is 78kg by increasing my protein intake to normal levels. I've added plenty of nuts to my diet because they are high in protein and high in good fats.

    i had no idea that overdoing protein can cause health issues. i need to look into that, but i dont think im really overdoing it. My average intake is about 100g/day. thanks for the tip! ill be cautious about it, going forward

    If you don't have kidney issues, then you should not have any problems. My daily protein goal is around 130g, and I have had no problems. I know there are many people who eat far more than that and do not have any of the issues mentioned.
  • scottf4413
    scottf4413 Posts: 73 Member
    emezrahi wrote: »
    I thought I was a special case. Boy was I wrong...
    I'm 32, 6ft make and was 145lbs in December. I'm now at 161, but have hit a wall.
    I'm like all of you, eating to survive, to busy to eat, etc.
    I need to put on some mass. Im so sick of people saying "OMG you want to gain weight? I wish I had that problem" or "you're so lucky, you can eat whatever you want"... You wouldn't call a fat person fast, so why is it okay to be called skinny?
    Anyways, looking for some people on the same boat as me, who will kick my butt when I fall short...

    Nice to meet you! I'm in the same boat you were in. 6' and 145lbs! May I ask, how long did it take to reach the 160 mark? I'm gaining, having started at 133, but it seems to be taking a looooong time. Thanks and best wishes.
  • emezrahi
    emezrahi Posts: 12 Member
    scottf4413 wrote: »
    Nice to meet you! I'm in the same boat you were in. 6' and 145lbs! May I ask, how long did it take to reach the 160 mark? I'm gaining, having started at 133, but it seems to be taking a looooong time. Thanks and best wishes.

    Well I started in December and shot up ten pounds in a month, then another 5 in the next.
    I actually weighed myself yesterday and I hit 165.
    It seems like this app is helping.

  • MQEnglishIV
    MQEnglishIV Posts: 18 Member
    Hey, trying to bulk but my body is really stubborn. Doesn't help that I mostly do yoga and swim though. Going to change up my workout routine.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    emezrahi wrote: »
    Some people just have a low natural body weight and trying to increase it could be a waste of time as you will either return to the mean or convert to fat.
    I'm 76.2kg at the moment but my natural body weight is between 78-79 I used this website to see what is going on, as I was 74kg when I started logging food. I quickly realised that I wasn't eating enough protein, I think I was eating half the recommended amount. When I weight-trained I reach a max of 83kg with little fat on me. That involved eating a lot of protein in the form of chicken and pulses. I don't do that any more because over doing it on protein creates all sorts of health problems including kidney, liver and joints. So my goal is 78kg by increasing my protein intake to normal levels. I've added plenty of nuts to my diet because they are high in protein and high in good fats.

    i had no idea that overdoing protein can cause health issues. i need to look into that, but i dont think im really overdoing it. My average intake is about 100g/day. thanks for the tip! ill be cautious about it, going forward

    If you don't have kidney issues, then you should not have any problems. My daily protein goal is around 130g, and I have had no problems. I know there are many people who eat far more than that and do not have any of the issues mentioned.


    OP, ignore the post about "over dosing" on protein.. I can see that post was made from a "newbie" on MFP..
  • emezrahi
    emezrahi Posts: 12 Member
    gia07 wrote: »

    OP, ignore the post about "over dosing" on protein.. I can see that post was made from a "newbie" on MFP..

    so I did some research, and it turns out that he was right. But only if you eat like 500g per day :smiley:
    I think I'll stick to my protein routine for now

  • stephxo1
    stephxo1 Posts: 191 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've went from 142lbs in December to 153lbs now by steadily increasing cals along with heavy weight training and high carbs. I'm eating 3000cals with a 55c/20p/25f split. It's taken a while to hit the sweet spot but now I'm steadily gaining 2lb a month. 5 weeks to go and might even increase the cals a bit for the final few weeks. But drop me a FR and have a look at my diary to see if it helps.