Isopure zero carb

I wanted to know if anyone is using Isopure zero carb protein drinks as a meal replacement .. How are your results ?


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited May 2015
    Remember the liver converts an average of 58% of the protein we eat into carbohydrates if a zero carb protein drink is of interest to you. People often forget this factor especially if they are not brittle diabetics. Some even call the Atkins Diet low carb but the high protein prevents it from being a low carb diet. Only 10% of the fat we eat is converted into carbohydrates. This is how people eating zero carbs do just fine. They are getting carbs from protein and fat intake.
  • daddjmo
    daddjmo Posts: 8 Member
    the liver converts an average of 58% of the protein we eat into carbohydrates

    Well crap, all I have researched I've never read this. Now I really don't know what to do!!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    daddjmo I know the feeling. At this point in time I try to keep my carbs <50 grams daily and my protein at 70-80 grams daily and eat all the fats I need to not go hungry. I have lost another 20 pounds doing over the last 8 months but a lot of inches of fat off my body. Eating about 3000 calories a day for the past 3 months I still am hovering around the same 209 weight but still losing fat inches and keeping pain at bay.

    Keep researching is what I do. I know I am not going to live forever. My goal is to be walking and talking for as long as I live. I was sinking fast until 8 months ago and now my general health/hope is greater than it was 20 years ago.
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    I have the vanilla. I bought it on Amazon because it had good reviews and the protein to calorie ratio was really good. I didn't realize it was zero carb until it arrived. That being said it is so overly sweet that I can barely choke it down, although it is decent blended with frozen fruit. I don't use it as a meal replacement though, just as a boost on days I'm struggling to meet my protein goal. I definitely would not buy it again.
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    Thanks for your reply
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    Thanks will do ... Best of luck to you as well
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    edited May 2015
    daddjmo wrote: »
    the liver converts an average of 58% of the protein we eat into carbohydrates

    NM Reading comprehension fail
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    when I was on a doctor supervized high protein diet, these were highly recommended to me. They are indeed low carb and extremely high protein, but the horrific taste was an impediment to my consuming them. I think I managed to get down 3 or 4, but then threw the rest away :-)
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    when I was on a doctor supervized high protein diet, these were highly recommended to me. They are indeed low carb and extremely high protein, but the horrific taste was an impediment to my consuming them. I think I managed to get down 3 or 4, but then threw the rest away :-)
    just wanted to apologize for the misspellings, my talk to text is apparently not that smart.
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    Thanks for the reply ...