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  • miss_boof
    miss_boof Posts: 45 Member
    If you joined into a game of d&d, you would be the guy who decides that he is a lawful good paladin. You would be overtly dedicated to the loftiest ideas of justice honor and virtue.

    Our party would end up wandering in the woods, lost, with no recourse to find the cave we were sent to locate. We are slowly starving and things are looking dim. We see a small wagon being led by a single cleric, he looks easy to overwhelm and there may be food in the wagon.

    I, being a chaotic evil dwarf, seize the opportunity. I disarm the cleric, tie him up, and find loot, food, fresh water, and ale within the wagon. For a small fee, I willingly offer to share with the rest of you in my party.

    Everyone accepts my offer immediately. Except you. YOU are unable to allow this theft to occur when you so solely swear to walk the path of righteous honor. You hit me over the head with a barrel of rum (my favorite rum too) which spills open (so wasteful) and I pass out.

    When I come to, you confessed that you overpowered everyone in our party, you untied the cleric, gave him his wagon back, and allowed him to continue on his way. You're completely smitten with yourself. So proud to continue this lawful good legacy you swore to uphold.

    And we all die from starvation.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    edited February 2018
    miss_boof wrote: »
    If you joined into a game of d&d, you would be the guy who decides that he is a lawful good paladin. You would be overtly dedicated to the loftiest ideas of justice honor and virtue.

    Our party would end up wandering in the woods, lost, with no recourse to find the cave we were sent to locate. We are slowly starving and things are looking dim. We see a small wagon being led by a single cleric, he looks easy to overwhelm and there may be food in the wagon.

    I, being a chaotic evil dwarf, seize the opportunity. I disarm the cleric, tie him up, and find loot, food, fresh water, and ale within the wagon. For a small fee, I willingly offer to share with the rest of you in my party.

    Everyone accepts my offer immediately. Except you. YOU are unable to allow this theft to occur when you so solely swear to walk the path of righteous honor. You hit me over the head with a barrel of rum (my favorite rum too) which spills open (so wasteful) and I pass out.

    When I come to, you confessed that you overpowered everyone in our party, you untied the cleric, gave him his wagon back, and allowed him to continue on his way. You're completely smitten with yourself. So proud to continue this lawful good legacy you swore to uphold.

    And we all die from starvation.

    Did we just become best friends?!?!

    This is hands down THE BEST forum answer I've ever seen!!

    I cannot like this enough!! :D<3:D<3:D

    To be fair though....I'm usually more Chaotic Neutral and wind up in the tavern inadvertently starting a fire that burns down the whole town. ;-)
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Faster than a speeding bullet...more powerful than a locomotive...
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    ilfaith - Phone is a light saber. Ready to joust.

    PrincessTiny... - Go ahead, Timmy. Open the box.

    OK, someone will need to explain this one to me :)

  • flixbo
    flixbo Posts: 4 Member
  • NLP6618
    NLP6618 Posts: 6,201 Member
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    So pretty
  • ShayAllenHill
    ShayAllenHill Posts: 64 Member
    amyteacake - reality bites
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    positive attitude
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    ilfaith - Phone is a light saber. Ready to fence.

    PrincessTiny... - Go ahead, Timmy. Open the box.

    Is this a Twilight Zone reference? Are you saying I'm creepy-looking? I'm creepy-looking, aren't I?

  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Happy and genuine
  • Iron_Muscle_
    Iron_Muscle_ Posts: 5,095 Member
  • ShayAllenHill
    ShayAllenHill Posts: 64 Member
    doubledman71 - Ten Laps. NOW!!
  • Kastastrophie
    Kastastrophie Posts: 2,918 Member
  • jaxsmama123
    jaxsmama123 Posts: 165 Member
  • miss_boof
    miss_boof Posts: 45 Member
    We’re 2 hours in to the most intense risk game of our lives. You, me, alyssa (she yo best friend) and this random guy named Greg. He pretty much invited himself to our game, but we let him join cuz we’re nice (not really, we want to massacre him, but he doesn’t know that). Bets have been made and hands have shook to wager that the person that comes in second place buys the first 3 rounds at the bar this evening, if this game ever comes out of the ridiculous stale mate that you and I find ourselves in.

    Another hour passes and we have finally wiped the table of Greg. He is sitting sulking in the other room, drowning his sorrows in the French onion dip and lays chips. He’s bummed to lose, but happy to know that he didn’t end up having to buy all the rounds. Time dwindles on, Alyssa is holding on by the seat of her pants, she has two guys in each of the 4 countries in Australia, but those bonus troops she’s been getting every round aren’t helping her none when she rolls both dice 1-1 as you are attacking her homeland. And so, so suddenly she’s also been exterminated from the board.

    Now, it’s you and me and we both know that it’s on like donkey kong. We can feel the pressure in the room, the heat is rising, we are both attack/defend/attack/defend, rolling the dice like we bet all of our money that was supposed to pay our mortgage on the craps table in Vegas. I’ve started to take the lead, my troops slowly taking over territory after territory, but the game is still too close to call.

    You call a pause for a bathroom break, and your hip accidentally bumps the table, sending the board and ALL the troops FLYING in every which way direction. You apologize again and again, stating that it was completely accidental. The game is hopeless, there is no coming back from this earthquake.

    We agree on a draw, we will split the rounds we wagered this evening and pay dutch. You nonchalantly mention how excited you are that the game was over in time for Karaoke at the bar… and then it dawned on me….

    Karaoke > risk. Accidentally on purpose.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Refreshing breath of fresh air with her amazing story depictions!
  • goatg
    goatg Posts: 1,399 Member
    He's special and he has a beautiful daughter

    Having seen other amazing pics of hers, "that doesn't do her justice." (despite the fact that she looks quite fetching)
  • Mattty79
    Mattty79 Posts: 3,068 Member
    What can i say... i wish i was on her island!