Elliptical trainer (cross trainer)

leeh10 Posts: 12 Member
Morning All,

Is the cross trainer good for weight loss? I am planning on doing around 30 mins per day on the hill setting (level 10-15).

Would this be beneficial?

Or can any of you recommend anything else?

I am unable to run to shin problems so need low impact exercises.



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    For weight loss there are there are three types of exercise.
    1. the weighing your food, logging and moderating your food for a consistent deficit, which is the most important, most important as it has most effect.
    2. Cardio which will help your CV system, part of that is a direct calorie burn from movement and increased heart rate. If you have shin problems hen all the other options are available, walking, swimming, cycling, eliptical,stairmaster, rower. Do the one you cna keep up consistently with and enjoy. Be aware that you have to do an awful lot of exercise to burn enough calories for noticeable weight loss, but they are handy to help your deficit or ive you a few hundred calories per day extra. That can make a big difference to how easy it is to maintain your deficit.
    3. Resistance training. Not as high on direct cardio burn, but important to maintain LBM and will help change your body shape. It complements and is equally as important as CV, do both if you arent. Maintaining muscle helps you burn a greater % of fat. Lift heavy things.

    So to answer your question

    1. Cross trainer is fine, it really matters is that you be consistent and stick with it, part of that will be because you find it tolerable. Be aware of some machine reading and if you use MFP to calcculate then eat 50% back at most then adjust. At 30mins theres no need to eat any back if you dont wish. U dont know your exact calorie burn and all macchines cna vary. You move it burns calories, so beneficial yes. Whether you actually lose weight depends on you being at overall deficit.
    2. Other low impact would be walking, swimming, cycling (now the good weather is here). Of the CV machines I like the erg because its an all over body exercise (no impact really) and I find it more challenging. Its dependent on the intensity and duration though.