
i like counting calories because I like quality food which equates to high caloric foods. By calorie counting I take a few calories out here and there but maintain taste. It also helps me when I want to be indulgent. By counting calories it out a reality check on my weight


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I like it too...I think it keeps things simple and makes you aware of what you are eating calorie wise!
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    Same here. I pretty much eat whatever I want within my calorie range.
  • annarop
    annarop Posts: 11 Member
    I just recently tried going to a slimming club, that didn't have limits on how much you ate of certain types of food. I found in just a fortnight my diet had gone from healthy, quality food to filling up on these things (like low fat yoghurt, certain carbs like cous-cous and pasta) and though I lost a bit of weight in the first couple of weeks I just felt lethargic, tired and unhealthy.

    Now I'm back to calorie counting, so that I can eat normal food (and a reasonable number of fats included in that - I blame the lack of fats for making me feel ill on the other diet).

    It definitely helps to really see what you're eating, the number of calories, and also to keep an eye on the macro-nutrients to make sure you're eating a balanced diet. Hurray for MFP :smile: