
Has anyone experienced frustration and some emotional changes with the process of trying to lose weight? I've been tracking my food and usually am pretty good but I get so frustrated at myself whenever I go over.
I've found myself grumpier and testier with my husband and coworkers, especially if it was a day where I did go over. I get angry easier, which is very much not like me. I hate working out, I know so many people who say they love it and they feel so good after but after my workouts, I'm just bitchy and annoyed. I like to go for walks but I'm always told that it's a horrible way to lose weight and doesn't burn enough calories. I do bike ride as well but it's been raining and windy, which doesn't work so well with a road bike.
I don't know what to do. I want to lose weight but I'm not happy being so tempermental and so easily angered. I hate always being on the edge of losing my temper. Is this something I'm just meant to get used to?


  • FreshStartForMyself
    FreshStartForMyself Posts: 196 Member
    Are you eating enough? A low calorie diet can make you grumpy, and certainly won't give you fuel for a good workout.
    Sometimes you'll eat more or feel hungrier, sometimes you'll eat less, it's normal, it all evens out.
    If you want to exercise, find a workout you enjoy and it'll be easier to stick to it.
  • Kk2Aa
    Kk2Aa Posts: 25 Member

    Try not to be too hard on yourself, the journey of losing weight is a stressful one and we are so anxious about the scales going down that we let it effect our mood. Don't worry about going over your calories some days as long as you are still in a deficit for the week you will still lose!! Also I love walking I have been doing an hour walk 5 days a week since I started 8 weeks ago as well as a half hour fitness video on YouTube and I have lost 3lb each week consistently.

    Feel free to add me as a friend we can support one another!

    I hope this helped!

  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    edited May 2015
    I hate working out as well. To be perfectly honest, I didn't step foot into the gym until about 6 months into my lifestyle change. I started with yoga and pilates at home. I gradually introduced tae-bo. I walked around the neighborhood (no, it doesn't burn the most calories, but it's still good for your heart). The only reason I started going to the gym now is that A. the weather here sucks and I can't always walk outside - yay for treadmills! and B. I wanted to start lifting weights here and there to work on building and toning muscle.

    You don't have to go to a gym to lose weight. Eat right (don't get angry if you go over every once in a'll drive yourself mad if you do), keep walking, increase your water intake, and maybe see if there's some physical activity that you really enjoy (like yoga, pilates, etc.).
  • ItsSlimpossible12
    ItsSlimpossible12 Posts: 127 Member
    Pardon the "cliche" but you may be what we call hangry. How long have you been tracking? Are you eating too little calories, or protein, etc?

    To be honest with you, I hate working out too. I don't get those endorphins that everyone insists exist. But, I LOVE results. And I LOVE being able to say I completed something and gave it my all. So, I push myself to do it in order to get to that happy moment. Maybe if you look at it that way, you will be able to push through? I usually take about 20 minutes of quiet ("don't talk to me") cool down time after a workout, maybe that could work for you?

    I am not sure how long you have been at it, but if it becomes part of the routine it will become the norm and I am sure your anger/irritable feelings will fade quickly.

    PS, if you like walking, then walk! There are a ton of threads on here of people who lost weight by walking.
  • faegirl22
    faegirl22 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the support. There's a few workouts I enjoy, namely swimming but with a new house and bills, it's hard to justify the $30 a month to pay for a gym with a pool. I just...don't like to workout. I hate weights, I have arthritic knees and a bad shoulder, I'll do some dailyburn videos, I have to try and get back into it.
  • faegirl22
    faegirl22 Posts: 60 Member
    alheise12 wrote: »
    Pardon the "cliche" but you may be what we call hangry. How long have you been tracking? Are you eating too little calories, or protein, etc?

    To be honest with you, I hate working out too. I don't get those endorphins that everyone insists exist. But, I LOVE results. And I LOVE being able to say I completed something and gave it my all. So, I push myself to do it in order to get to that happy moment. Maybe if you look at it that way, you will be able to push through? I usually take about 20 minutes of quiet ("don't talk to me") cool down time after a workout, maybe that could work for you?

    I am not sure how long you have been at it, but if it becomes part of the routine it will become the norm and I am sure your anger/irritable feelings will fade quickly.

    PS, if you like walking, then walk! There are a ton of threads on here of people who lost weight by walking.

    I'm on day 122, so a good while and I'm usually at about 1200-1250 calories give or take, if I am too much over that I just put weight back on, it's just been like down a lbs, up a lbs the whole time.

    Thanks for all the advice and tips, it's much appreciated. I guess I'm just not sure I'm liking the person I'm ending up being while trying to do this
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    maybe your weight loss setting is to high. are u set at 2lbs a week? bring it down to 1. if your at 1 bring it down to 1/2lbs. who cares if it means losing slower if ur happy. i've had to do that and it has made my life so much easier. also i dislike exercise. i walk, occasionally jog and lift weights twice a week. nothing crazy. make this as enjoyable of a process as possible its the only way it will last long term
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    faegirl22 wrote: »
    I like to go for walks but I'm always told that it's a horrible way to lose weight and doesn't burn enough calories.

    Don't listen to them. You have an exercise you like to do. Do it. No, it doesn't burn as much calories as other exercises, but if you like it, then you are more likely to do it rather than other exercises. So what if it takes you a little longer to lose weight? If you are in this for real, and for the long haul then you have to find things that you can incorporate into your life, and a key to that is liking those things... or at least not hating them.

    So, don't listen to those people. Walk if you want to walk.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    maybe your weight loss setting is to high. are u set at 2lbs a week? bring it down to 1. if your at 1 bring it down to 1/2lbs. who cares if it means losing slower if ur happy. i've had to do that and it has made my life so much easier. also i dislike exercise. i walk, occasionally jog and lift weights twice a week. nothing crazy. make this as enjoyable of a process as possible its the only way it will last long term

    I agree with this! If you're at 1 lb, try lowering it to .5 lb. You get to eat more while still losing weight. At my height and weight, I get 1250 for a .5 lb loss. I can't imagine going lower. But I also exercise every day to earn more food! On a light day, I can eat up to 1400. On more intense days up to 1600.

    If you like walking, definitely keep walking! I run, lift weights, and practice yoga. It took me a long time to enjoy those things. But I also walk A LOT. In short spurts....I take a few minutes to walk around the building at work every hour and a 10 minute walk during lunch. I try to stay on my feet a lot at home (it helps that I have young kids). I really do like walking, and would do it much more if I didn't have to set at this desk.

    Whatever it takes to earn back more food!
  • FreshStartForMyself
    FreshStartForMyself Posts: 196 Member
    faegirl22 wrote: »
    alheise12 wrote: »
    Pardon the "cliche" but you may be what we call hangry. How long have you been tracking? Are you eating too little calories, or protein, etc?

    To be honest with you, I hate working out too. I don't get those endorphins that everyone insists exist. But, I LOVE results. And I LOVE being able to say I completed something and gave it my all. So, I push myself to do it in order to get to that happy moment. Maybe if you look at it that way, you will be able to push through? I usually take about 20 minutes of quiet ("don't talk to me") cool down time after a workout, maybe that could work for you?

    I am not sure how long you have been at it, but if it becomes part of the routine it will become the norm and I am sure your anger/irritable feelings will fade quickly.

    PS, if you like walking, then walk! There are a ton of threads on here of people who lost weight by walking.

    I'm on day 122, so a good while and I'm usually at about 1200-1250 calories give or take, if I am too much over that I just put weight back on, it's just been like down a lbs, up a lbs the whole time.

    Thanks for all the advice and tips, it's much appreciated. I guess I'm just not sure I'm liking the person I'm ending up being while trying to do this

    If you put on weight after a while of eating 1200 calories a day it is most likely just temporary. 1200 is low. Maybe if you set it to 1350 you'll do a little better, you can add a small snack when you're feeling extra hungry, which I'm guessing you do at some point. If you don't want to workout, then don't! It's not necessary for weight loss. You can try stretching or doing some short yoga videos at home to relieve stress, not strictly for burning calories. And if you workout, do eat your calories back, especially when you're in such a big energetic deficit.

    Good luck x
  • RachaelWinston
    RachaelWinston Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds like you have similar problems as me! I get hangry and moody if I don't eat enough and can be a real *kitten* to those around me. My bf swears one time my eyes went red when I was hangry! Lol I have to agree with what others have been saying about upping your calories a little to enjoy life more even if the weight loss is slower that's what I have done and it has made this the only diet/lifestyle change I have actually stuck with because I'm not miserable all the time. Just know you are not alone with the feelings of worry about going over. I cried once because I had Arby's late at night and blew my whole day but I just got back on the horse the next day! Stay strong!
  • faegirl22
    faegirl22 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. I will try upping my calories and see if that helps. I'll keep my walking and biking too until I can afford to go to a gym with a pool