Anyone else part of the GCC - Global Corporate Challenge this year?

This is the first year I've done it, and I think I'm just a little overly excited, LOL! I'm quite competitive.

Have you participated in the past? How did you like it?


  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
    ME!! It starts tomorrow. This is the first year my company has done it.
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    Mine too - our parent company has been doing it for a while I guess, but this is the first year for my division. I'm needing the motivation right now after this holiday weekend,that's for sure!
  • Dizzzlel
    Dizzzlel Posts: 54 Member
    Im doing it also. There is like 40,000 teams in it, i can't believe there aren't more people on here involved. Good luck and enjoy ladies.
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
    I'm in Tokyo so we started today. I think the step counter over estimates because it logged 52 steps from my bed to the shower. I'm little Tokyo apartment isn't that big!!! Therefore I have set my daily goal to 12,00 steps instead of 10,000.

    They have a way to start a mini league. If you guys want to PM me your email address I will create a mini team and we can compete against each other. I'll also set up a GCC MFP group this morning.
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    First time for me and my team as well!! Can't wait!! Love the idea of the mini league
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    I'm in for a mini-league!
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    Over 10k steps two days in a row so far! 98 days to go :-)
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
    Keep it up!! I've been aiming for 12k steps a day because I think the device over estimates, but I've only gone over 12k but I've only made it over 12k 3 or 4 times. Yesterday and today were 14k and 15k so I think I have figured out what I need to walk to hit it. I've been walking home from work.