77 days in the journey

I'm having a super hard time right now, I seem to be having an issue with eating peanut butter, I crave it, I'm not eating good during the day (we are having some financial issues, so being able to buy the things that I need to eat, I'm having to eat with the family which are high calorie foods) I'm falling apart, I'm needing some emotional motivation and support. I was running 5 miles a day, now I don't even care if I go outside to walk. I'm drained, someone please say something to me to help me realize my accomplishments, because I can't see them right now, I wonder if I am going to be able to continue on. :disappointed:


  • jenn11411
    jenn11411 Posts: 45 Member
    Don't give up....start over right now. If you are faced with a high calorie meal can you supplement a small portion of that with maybe some fruit or vveg? You can still eat well on a budget. It is possible. As far as exercise try to do a 10 min walk then try 15, 20 and so on. Something is better than nothing. Keep trying and don't give up!
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    I've made myself still go outside, yesterday me and my spouse went out for a 4 mile walk/run. He makes me do it, he knew how dedicated that I was preparing to run a 5K, I got the crud and was unable to do it this past Saturday, so I feel like I let myself down. Now I feel like running is pointless. I know he won't let me quit, but some day's I just don't want to do it. :( He won't give up on me even when I feel like giving up on myself. I'm glad that you won't either. Thank you.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    You're 77 days in........that's a big accomplishment.

    There's nothing wrong with peanut butter, that's not a free pass to sit down with a jar and a spoon but why not measure out 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and cut up some celery or an apple and have that as a snack in the afternoon or evening.

    There are things you can buy that are cheap and healthy. Frozen veggies instead of fresh, Dry beans and long grain rice in bags are cheap and healthy.
    It's pretty easy to make up a batch of black beans and you can use them in lots of stuff. It takes a little experimenting to find the right seasonings for your own personal taste, I like garlic, onion, cumin and chili powder in mine. Love to add chicken, corn and a soft tortilla.

    Cook up a larger batch of rice then take some, add frozen peas and carrots and a little soy sauce and heat in frying pan browning the rice a bit. Ground pork is good to add, not overly expensive and gives you a bit of a chinese flavor especially if you shred some cabbage, also pretty cheap and goes a long way.

    Lots of people on tight budgets tend to buy things that are already seasoned like "rice a roni" or "hamburger helper" when in fact you can make them from scratch much cheaper and healthier.

    Scout out discount stores, you can buy spices for $1 or less in most of these places and they'll really go a long way. Clearance racks at places like Target and Walmart can save you tons too it just takes a little extra time and effort.

    You CAN do this if you want to, biggest step is realizing that you're worth the effort.
  • Gonz0theGreat
    Gonz0theGreat Posts: 3 Member
    77 days is fantastic! Your body may be craving more protein to keep you full longer - try canned tuna (Walmart sells a four pack of StarKist Chunk Light Tuna in water for only $3). Each can will give you 20grams of protein for only 90 calories.

    Chicken or Turkey breast deli slices offer 9 grams of protein and only 50 calories for each 2 oz. serving. Wrap 6 oz. of deli meat in a leaf of lettuce and you have a simple, low calorie, high protein lunch.

    Eggs are also a good, cheap source of protein.

    And if you're still stuck at the table with high calorie foods - try to eat a smaller portion of the high carb, high calorie items.

    You can reach your goals - but just focus on TODAY. You've already done 77 - day 78 is just a few hours away!