starting fresh...

Hi! I am brand new to this app. Seems very easy to use. I have been a frequent weight watcher but that has gone out of my budget. So the battle of the bulge marches forward with hopes of a pleased doctor in 3 months... lower cholesterol, triglycerides and a better A1C. I do not want those pills! I have also started back on c25k yesterday! That's awesome if you're new to running or starting over.


  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi i am a former weight watcher as well. I found myself being more accountable to the ladies that weighed me than to myself. The sad part is I did well because I did not want to disappoint them. So here I am still trying to lose. I have done c25k as well, ran a 5k race about three years ago, but I hated to run so I don't do it anynore. I like junk food and am learning to eat it in moderation. Feel free to add me for motivation and support!!! Good luck on your journey
  • lolagranola1
    lolagranola1 Posts: 63 Member
    How can i add you?
  • thefriendlyneighborhoodasexual
    Hey! I've been using the app for awhile on and off, but im back at it again... I'm also trying to get back into running. Wanna be friends? :)