New and Unsure

Stats: I'm 5'6", 27 year old female. Ectomorph (thin, small frame).

Basically, I was super lazy and ate a ton of crap all my life because I never gained weight. All of a sudden, BAM! Weight gain. I lost most of it naturally (I got pregnant after my weight gain, and I lost some afterwards). I had always been considered underweight around 105lbs with no muscle mass really. Then I was 115lbs, which I was happy with. I went up to 145lbs before I got pregnant (my heaviest. Still no muscle).

Now I am 130lbs and I am carrying extra fat around my stomach without much muscle anywhere. I know I need to lose some fat and I need to exercise with cardio for that (I think lol). But, I was also reading I need to gain muscle mass to even out my frame. And my fitness pal reduced me to 1400 calories (which I am doing okay with).

I am wondering what you'd recommend for at home exercises. I have wii U Fit, which I love the games and stuff but is it enough for strength (muscle gain)? I am eating protein every meal and snacks as much as I can. Usually an egg for breakfast, beans or fish for lunch, chicken or beans for dinner, and seeds for snack. I didn't go grocery shopping in a while, so I still need to add dark leafy greens to my diet and some more fruit.

I wanted my weight loss to be around 115lbs but I am actually not sure if that's realistic if I gain muscle (since I've never really had muscle). I am okay being "heavier" as long as my body gets a better shape (I have a lot of areas with cellulite :disappointed: ).

I love doing things like dancing/yoga (but I am super out of shape now. So I tire easily with dancing). I do okay with things like lunges and squats etc. I super suck at running (knees, ankles and hips are out of alignment, my knees turn inward. It hurts and is awkward to run.) I can't afford a gym membership so equipment, pool etc is out of the question currently. I own a yoga mat and the Wii U Fit (I love exercises that are games or dancing. I feel more motivated than watching a simple DVD). I also have my shape fitness for Xbox 360, Zumba, DDR, Dance Central etc Using any of these greatly increases the likelyhood I would stick with it. How many times per day/week how long should I do each thing? Cardio/endurance/weights ? I am so lost.


Skinny fat lady just starting out. Recommended exercises (preferably using at home items/Wii Fit U/My Shape Fitness/Dance Games/DDR) and diet suggestions to lose fat/gain muscle.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You probably won't gain much muscle using Wii...sorry.

    To lose weight eat in a reasonable deficit with a reasonable weekly weight loss goal.

    to lose mostly fat...see the reasonable part above...get in enough protein and do some form of resistance training. Most will recommend heavy lifting but body weight works at first or get some smaller hand weights to start with.

    Cardio is about heart and cardio health...

    There are a lot of DVD's out there or try for HIIT workouts.

    Jillian MIchaels has lots of dvds you can do at home as well..
    google I am my own gym
  • misschris828
    misschris828 Posts: 11 Member
    So what type of exercises are resistance training? And I can do weights using found objects lol (waterbottle, laundry jug, my 27lb kid lol). How long? How many times per week?
  • misschris828
    misschris828 Posts: 11 Member
    Like pushups? What are squats and lunges? Sit ups/crunches? What does yoga do? Sorry, I really have no idea. I skipped gym...A lot lol
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So what type of exercises are resistance training? And I can do weights using found objects lol (waterbottle, laundry jug, my 27lb kid lol). How long? How many times per week?

    Resistance is any exercise where there is a form of resistance. IE pushups, dips, lunges...yes even just body weight resistance is enough to start with.

    Once that become "easy" you can add in weights or other things like push ups with your kid on your back (might be a bit much for a while) or you can invest in a few hand weights 3/5/8/10 lbs ones...(that's all my sister uses) and she is pretty lean and fit...

    I personally started with body weight squats (30 day thing) moved to JM 30 day shred x2 and bam heavy lifting.

    My sister still does just the dvds but has a few on hand for when she wants something different.

    To each their own.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Love your TL;DR!

    The right shoes might help your running but if you can't afford a gym membership then springing for $100+ running shoes might not be the right answer.

    There are plenty of strength exercises you can do with your own body weight. Pushups, planks, etc. Google 'you are your own gym' and similar phrases and you'll find a bunch. Youtube has good body weight exercise videos, too. You might also invest in a set of resistance bands. You can find them pretty cheaply ($30 or so for the best sets) at Target or Walmart.

    I will tell you, I started lifting weights about a year ago and it's made a huge difference for me. I'm closer to a mesomorph than the other two types, although it doesn't totally fit me, either.... In any event, at 5'3.5" and about 135 pounds I'm wearing all of my size 4 jeans. Before I started lifting, I couldn't have worn those jeans until I was around 125 pounds. I have muscle definition in my arms and thighs and the cellulite is less pronounced. I've been bulking a bit and am almost ready to start eating at a deficit to lose fat. I can't wait to see what I look like after dropping 5 or 10 pounds. This is all new territory for me!

    My advice to you is to go for the lifting (and lift heavy!) and the positive body changes and try not to worry too much about the number on the scale. Judge by your clothing and how you look naked. You'll know when you have reached the right size and shape without the scale.

    The dancing and Zumba stuff is great for earning extra calories (I run for my cardio a few days each week) but it's the strength exercises that are going to give you the muscles and body shape you're looking for.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    There are lots of free workout videos on you tube.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    There are lots of free workout videos on you tube.

    Fitness Blender!!!

  • misschris828
    misschris828 Posts: 11 Member
    I just looked at some of the videos and did a quick google. A lot of the recommended exercises are offered on the Wii U Fit and Your Shape Fitness game. Yay! Both games offer a variety of activities though so it's nice to know what to focus on so I am not 'wasting' my exercise session. I just started Saturday so basic body resistance is more than enough (I can barely do 1 push up. And even resting on my knees, I can barely do 3. So weak :disappointed: ). I know people don't really like 'games' for exercise, but if it's offering the same routine as a DVD but is more interactive, it just works better for me.

    How many times a week should I do resistance training and how many times should I do cardio? Where does yoga fit in? I found a 20 minute routine I like. I also need work on balance and posture so it was recommended. Gosh I suck LOL
  • misschris828
    misschris828 Posts: 11 Member
    What calories should I be burning through exercise if my diet is reduced to 1340 or so already?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    What calories should I be burning through exercise if my diet is reduced to 1340 or so already?

    exercise calories should be eaten back or at least some of them...the 1380 will let you lose the weight you requested the exercise is just an extra added bonus...maybe an ice cream if you so choose...or a glass of wine.

    AS for the Wii I love just dance and boy do I sweat when I do it..
  • misschris828
    misschris828 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes I have Just Dance, Dance Central and Zumba! But I haven't done them since before the baby and now I am horrendously out of shape. I can barely get through a song. And if I am eating them back, it should be like protein or veggies or something ideally right? haha lol
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Yes I have Just Dance, Dance Central and Zumba! But I haven't done them since before the baby and now I am horrendously out of shape. I can barely get through a song. And if I am eating them back, it should be like protein or veggies or something ideally right? haha lol

    Only if you like protein and veggies! I usually use my exercise calories for something a little more fun. Like beer. Or cookies. It keeps me happy.

    When doing strength training exercises, especially when you're first starting out, negative moves can help. In other words, rather than trying to do a whole pushup just do the downward part and lower yourself to the ground really slowly. Of course, pushups can also be modified to make them easier. Just do them from your knees rather than your feet. You'll eventually get strong enough to do several full pushups and then even more.

    Good luck!
  • misschris828
    misschris828 Posts: 11 Member
    I just figured out how to add my exercise and saw it increased my calorie intake. Yay! I'll still eat "clean" (mostly) but I can eat more. :D So excited about that haha! I think I am getting the idea of what I need to do :)