Anyone complete T25?

I just started the third (bonus) phase, Gamma, and I love it. Especially because I work really long hours during the week and only really have 30 minutes TOPS to exercise. Anyways, I wanted to know if any of you have tried it and, if so, what your results were?


  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    I did complete T25 back in October, and with diet and DVDs I lost a total of 15 pounds. I just started back again yesterday with the program again. I was thinking of ordering the Gamma phase but was a little scared lol is it that much harder than the first two?
  • Rocketqueeen
    Rocketqueeen Posts: 96 Member
    Ems500c wrote: »
    I did complete T25 back in October, and with diet and DVDs I lost a total of 15 pounds. I just started back again yesterday with the program again. I was thinking of ordering the Gamma phase but was a little scared lol is it that much harder than the first two?

    I did two rounds of the Alpha and Beta phase because the first time I slacked off big time. I'm only in my first week of Gamma and so far I'm really enjoying it. And NO! Its definitely not harder BUT you use weights in all of the workouts except Speed 3.0. But even that one is using a lot of your own body weight (think lots of burpee based exercises as well as an array of pushup exercises) Towards the middle/end of Beta, I never had the muscle soreness anymore. I was getting used to the exercises. After 3 days of Gamma, my arms are on fire as well as my thighs. I definitely say if you did the other two phases you should ABSOLUTELY try this one.