Any busy dad's out there?

Looking for motivation and tips to and from busy dads trying to keep up with job, family and the whole 9 yards. Looking to connect and encourage each other.


  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Wife, 3 kids, den leader, job holder, and volunteer paramedic. I have no tips other than dealing with lack of sleep and that's coffee :). Well met brother!
  • DaveAkeman
    DaveAkeman Posts: 296 Member
    Yeah . . . teenage son, disabled wife, Boy Scouts, church Elder, school volunteer, lots of other volunteer stuff (ever served in a soup kitchen on a diet? Now, THAT is hard!), play in 3 bands . . . Oh, yeah, AND I have a job.

    Yup. Time is my nemesis. Finding 30 minutes to exercise 3 times a week is really hard, but I'd like to do more.

    We should have a 'busy dads' group.
  • chrisssam
    chrisssam Posts: 106 Member
    Busy dad of 4 teenagers... Work full time... Busy all day everyday... But I find time to workout with my wife at home... And doing so my kids are working out as well... My two youngest are a little over weight... So help them get in shape and help them stay health...being a dad is a full time job... No days off... So add me
  • bas0128
    bas0128 Posts: 52 Member
    Feel ya