
Does anyone know of any healthy snacks please share


  • mojojojo222
    mojojojo222 Posts: 7 Member
    edited May 2015
    Just generally nuts and fruits/dried fruits. There's a company that makes tasty healthy snacks. It is a mail order subscription service. I've been doing it for 1.5 yrs and their foods are pretty good. They have gluten free, sugar free, msg options, and nothing has dyes or artificial ingredients. Nature Box. Google it. Some of my favorites are the Flax Fortune Coins, Honeycomb Sunflower Kernels, Blueberry Nom Noms (I replace unhealthy fattening donuts with these in the morning), Honey Crunch Crisps (these may be a little heavy, but full of healthy ingredients), Lemon Tea Biscuits, toasted Chedar Stix, and the Sea Salt Crunch (SSC takes some getting used to but is super healthy). Also their add on garlic and sundried tomato kale is super tasty!

    Some other things I do... bean sprouts with maple syrup - must be REAL maple syrup which is full of vitamins and minerals. Never use the fake syrup... Aunt Jemima's, etc. Only syrup that says 100% pure maple syrup. I was surprised when I input that data and it was low in fat and high in minerals.

    Oh yeah, and plain stove top popcorn. Not microwave and not air popped. Stove top has more flavor without adding salt or butter. I can eat this all day. Zero fat. But you may want to use a tablespoon of olive oil. You can also flavor it by sprinkling on red chile powder, green chile powder, garlic or other herbs.
  • smokebillowing
    smokebillowing Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2015
    Carrot sticks and humous. My fave.
  • djk2258
    djk2258 Posts: 11 Member
    String cheese, vanilla greek yogurt with fresh berries, bananas, and granola, rice cakes (watch sodium on the flavored ones like cheddar, ranch, etc). I am a big fan of veggies and ranch dip. I make my own healthier version of ranch with plain greek yogurt, onion powder, garlic, parsley, and chives. Low fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit is a good morning/early afternoon snack. You can also make your own popcorn. I prefer making my own now so I can control exactly what's on it. And smoothies are great with summer on the way!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Raw vegetables with hummus, fruit, string cheese (part skim), lowfat yogurt, boiled eggs, pickles.... I will probably remember more things later.
  • sgirl2009
    sgirl2009 Posts: 57 Member
    Apple slices and peanut butter :)
  • alliesgettinghealthy
    alliesgettinghealthy Posts: 87 Member
    Greek yogurt, eggs, popcorn, deli meats, peanut butter on rice cakes (add banana too!), fruit, protein bar/shake, string cheese, nuts, veggies and dip (hummus, salsa, etc.), salad (can make a large one for under 150 calories easily), granola bars, etc. I also will snack on things like beans or make a smaller version of a meal like a taco or a smaller portion of beans and rice. :smile:
  • rontafoya
    rontafoya Posts: 365 Member
    Personally I go with nutrient-dense, whole food heavy snacks that are satisfying and low in sugar and carbs. For example, hard boiled eggs, organic peanut or almond or cashew butter, a can of sardines, half an avocado, or 1/2 cup to a whole cup of whole fat organic cottage cheese. If you absolutely need something sweet, I say try a basket of blueberries, a pear, or even a glass of whole raw milk--or drizzle a bit of honey onto your peanut butter. Honestly--I think a lot of the other suggestions here are processed and also pretty high in carbs and lots of these other suggestions here would just make me more hungry. I think the purpose of a 'snack' is to satisfy yourself with as few calories as possible, providing as many nutrients as possible given the calories. It is a snack not an appetizer. Protein and/or fat are usually going to be more satisfying than carbs. Most of my suggestions are 100 to 300 calories (tops) and will stick to your ribs, which is what you need when you are trying to keep a lid on your calories.
  • sterling_briggs93
    sterling_briggs93 Posts: 30 Member
    Does anyone know of any healthy snacks please share

    Quest bars/pure protien bars
    But if you track your macros (carbs, fats, proteins) and do a 40/20/40 split of you overall daily intake you can really eat what ever you want. I did a diet a few months back where I ate pizza and poptarts and lost weight, why I don't suggest this is cause those food don't have to many MICROnutrients (all your vitamins and minerals) it is possible. Also if you do eat nuts mix fruit ect I suggest measuring it out due to the fact that it contains a lot of fat and can be highly over the serving size just by eyeballing it and grabbing a handful
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    How do you define "healthy"?