Fashionable yet sturdy walking shoes? Marathoners especially welcome!

Hello MFPals,

Recently I got what might be considered the Holy Grail of weight-loss/exercising jobs: walking tour guide. Essentially, I am paid to walk 5-15 miles a day and chug water every other block. You have no idea the freedom from "exercise obligation" that gives me (and the freedom to scarf a handful of sweet potato fries with honey-dijon on the weekend).

Only thing is, my dogs are gonna start barking pretty soon. I don't walk evenly– my right leg and foot are about 1/4 inch shorter than the left, and it throws everything– pelvis, back, etc– out of whack. I'm fine so far, but I'm looking at the long run.

Basically, I need cute-yet-functionable walking shoes. Since I'm a tour guide, I'm kind of like a PanAm stewardess for my town– gotta be authoritative but also a "good/classy representative". Also, I'm only 30, so I'm not resigned to puffy-tongued Reeboks just yet. I also have Yeti feet– size 10 US womens. If anyone has any tips I would be much obliged.