Recent gains :(

Hi guys
I'm female, 19, 5 foot 5 and from the UK.
Here's a bit of my story - until Jan 2014 I had maintained a pretty slim weight all my life, never worrying about calories and macros but eating overall healthily enjoying a few treats with no guilt. At my lightest, I was 122lb (8st 10lb), but most of the time I maintained a weight of around 126lb (9st), give or take a few pounds. I did practically no exercise, however worked as a waitress so I was fairly active and on my feet for a lot of the day. However, late Dec 2013 I went through a rough break up with my long term boyfriend. For a while after I couldn't eat but had to force myself to eat something as my sister has an eating disorder and I had to set an example for her. After a few weeks of not being able to stomach food, I quickly turned to food as a bored comfort and I binged on large amounts of junk all day long, gaining around 5lb in a week. It didn't help that I had little work at that time so I was in the house on my own all day with not much to do. In February 2014, I headed out to India for 10 weeks to do some volunteer work, and hoping that would help me shift the few pounds I gained. This was not the case however, and due to the carb/oil/sugar based diet we were fed and I kept binging and eating too much and due to still being pretty upset over my ex, and I gained around 6lb while I was out there. This may not seem like much to you, but at this point this was the heaviest I had ever been. I was back at home for around a month and managed to lose about 4lb with the 5:2 diet and a bit of exercise, but I still loved food and found it really difficult as I was now surrounded again with all sorts of junk foods I hadn't had for 10 weeks. Also, with my sister still having the eating disorder, skipping meals at home was not an option. In June 2014, I headed out to America to work at a camp for the summer, naively hoping that I may lose a bit of weight. However the food at camp was dreadful, all junk foods, not even any cereal or fresh fruit or veg. I tried to not eat too much of it for a few weeks but it was so hard. Despite the activities we did at camp, I gained 14lb (1 stone) in just over two months. I hated my body and was the heaviest I'd ever been in my life, and I had to buy some new clothes as my others wouldn't fit me anymore. I weighed myself after camp and I was 149lb (10st 9) and I nearly cried. I know compared to many people that is still slim (and not technically an overweight BMI) but for me I felt awful. I still had a problem with emotional binging and sometimes it got a bit out of control. I came home late August after travelling around the states for a few weeks. I started dieting and being pretty strict on myself, not tracking at this point but only eating three healthy meals a day with no snacks. However within a few weeks my motivation had gone and I starting binging again, not just on junk but on anything. I moved to University a few weeks later, and ate healthy meals, however still struggled to control my snacking. I also started going out a lot and drinking (normal UK uni life) which of course added a load of alcohol calories. I tried dieting on and off until Christmas when I came home, and did manage to lose around 7lb since the U.S., but gradually and I didn't track anything as I had not yet discovered MFP at this point. During Sept and Jan though I did become really active. I joined our uni gym and started going on and off a few times a week, and I also joined my uni dance society, doing up to about 8 hours of dance a week. My fitness definitely improved but I was still unhappy with my body.
Of course I gained a few pounds over Xmas at home, but I headed back to Uni with a New Years resolution to finally shift these last few pounds. I was super strict in January and did manage to shift a few, discovering MFP mid January which really helped and opened my eyes to what exactly I was really eating! Towards the end of January I was down to 135lb (9st 9lb) and was receiving compliments towards how I looked! I was really happy with my progress but still wanted to get back to my target weight of 126lb (9st). However, with the Uni life, I do go out quite often and can drink a fair amount in one night, which I know curbs weight loss, but it is a huge part of uni culture and I feel left out and unsociable if I don't join in. Also drinking tended to end in fast food which obviously is not gonna help me lose weight.
Over lent I decided to give up all added sugars, which was really difficult at first, but I got used to it and it really helped to improve my diet, eating nuts, boiled eggs and things instead of sugary snacks. I was tracking on and off at this point but with my busy uni life and not wanting to be unsociable I had to take a few days off here and there. I had a ball at the end of March and my aim was to fit into my old prom dress to wear to it. As i had the dress to motivate me, I was strict and managed to get down to 130lb (9st 4lb) for the ball and I fitted into my dress! :) but I was still not my target weigh which frustrated me. However, after the ball I relaxed and couldn't be bothered to track anymore. Over Easter as well, after not eating sugar for lent, I ate huge amounts of chocolate and crap and could feel myself gaining again. I weighed myself after Easter when back at Uni and I was back up to 138lb (9st 12lb). I was really down about my weight again and noticed my clothes were getting tight again. I tracked for a bit on and off, but I was back to binging on anything again. Today, I am 135lb (9st 9lb) which is ok but I am not fully happy with it. I still binge on anything, usually to avoid studying and out of boredom. However, I am heading back to the U.S. this summer, heading out on 30th May. I am worried about gaining loads of weight again and want to be as slim as possible before I head out but I am running out of time. From today, I am tracking daily again and keeping to 1200cal a day. However, I am in the middle of my exams atm, quite stressed and needing some healthy snacks to help me with my studying. I know for a fact I am going out next week for after exams and I don't want to miss out on the fun. But I want to lose as much weight as quick as possible. I know that it is not a strictly healthy way of losing weight but I am getting desperate. I know I won't reach my goal weight in time but I fear gaining loads of weight this summer again. I have requested healthy options at camp this year but I worry that I will just start binging on junk food again.

If anybody could offer me any advice, on how to lose weight quickly now, and how to not gain loads this summer, that would be great. I am running out of time! Thank you :) x


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    Eat to a calorie defecit (across the week)
    Weigh your food and log it with care and accurately
    Lift Heavy things and put them down again

    Read the stickies - Calorie Counting 101 and guide to sexypants
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    Perhaps set mfp to lose 1 lb a week maximum the reason I say this is from experience restricting too much resulted in binging for me. I'm only guessing I could be wrong but is the 1200 cal a day to lose 2 lbs a week?