


  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    I use T25 and Insanity Max30 workouts. I modify their schedule to fit into my workout routines. I would rather do the workouts than walk or run on a treadmill for cardio. I haven't finished a workout without dripping with sweat.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited May 2015
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    I LOVE the workouts (purchased P90X and Insanity pretty cheap on Craigslist) and actually have a lot of fun with them. That's the only reason I would suggest giving one or two a try, but I certainly wouldn't pay retail price for them. However, I wouldn't waste any of my money on their supplements or nutrition plans. I prefer my affordable $18 tub of protein powder that does the same thing Shakeology does.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    As many on here have said, the workouts are good but the rest is a waste of money. I have all of the P90X and insanity DVD's given to me by a friend, and I have done them before. But I got sick of his voice easily and didn't end up finishing the program because I don't like the DVD's much. I recently just started doing P90X again, but this time I am taking a different approach. I printed out all of the worksheets and schedule from online, and I plan to just do the workouts on my own without the DVD telling me what to do. I mainly use it because I like to workout at home and need a clear guide on what to do. Having a mapped out daily plan and workouts created for each day just takes away a lot of the guess work for me.
  • trothaar
    trothaar Posts: 11 Member
    Echoing what others have said: The workouts are great. I own P90X and Insanity. I've been through both of them, and I still use them as cross-training for my running.

    The supplements, including Shakeology, are overpriced garbage, and the "coaching" is a scam. I tried "coaching" very briefly, a couple of years ago, because I couldn't find a job, and I was desperate (in other words, the perfect mark for an MLM). Thankfully, I got out of it before I lost too much money and without alienating anyone other than a couple of total strangers on message boards, not anyone who I knew or cared about.

    The controversy is because of the MLM aspect of the business. It's a shame, really. If Beachbody just sold the workouts on their own, without the MLM, they would still sell well, as they are quality products. The company tarnished itself when it decided to get into the MLM business.