How many more calories when exercising?

Hi All.

I'm currently eating approximately 1200-1500 calories a day whilst alternating between Jillian Michael's NMTZ and BFBM. I've been eating this number of calories for a few months but have only recently stepped up the exercise and note that I'm feeling hungrier. I know that I'm obviously burning more calories due to the DVDs however I wondered how many more calories I should eat to compensate for the exercises. I don't want to go crazy and eat more and find it has a negative impact on my weight loss.

Thanks in advance for the advice



  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    It's kind of a crap shoot as the number of calories burned from a workout can vary GREATLY. IMO, start with something basic... assume you burn 5 cals per minute exercising. So if you work out for 30 minutes, that's 150 cals burned, and that you get to eat 150 additional calories that day.

    There is a lot of trial and error here... so do something like this for a few weeks and see how things go. If needed, make a small change and monitor for another few weeks. It's a process.
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    Make sure you eat a bit before you exercise as well so that your body is properly fueled for the workout. Something high in carbohydrates with some protein is best. This will also help with the hunger pangs.
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
    I try to stick to 1400 calories a day and if I feel hungry from exercise I let that go up to around 1500. Although a lot of people recommend to eat all or most of your exercise calories back but I couldn't bring myself to do so lol
  • PAtinCO
    PAtinCO Posts: 129 Member
    When I log (which isn't often anymore), I always put in all exercise as walking 3mph. That way I don't overestimate and eat back too much but don't eat too little either. I just found that better than trying to figure out what I burned and then adjust the time for it in MFP to match.
  • hayleymarshall737
    hayleymarshall737 Posts: 9 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks all. Whatever I'm doing is working as I've lost 8lb in 4 weeks and at least an inch off my trouble zones, I just wanted to make sure that the extra 200 cals (for example) i eat every other day are not having a negative impact.
  • Cher1e1n2
    Cher1e1n2 Posts: 22 Member
    Look more at your micro and macro nutrients.. If your 1200 or so calories meets your nutritional needs then I say exercise off as many calories as you want and enjoy the rewards of a leaner healthier you!! (Not pack back in the calories)

    I've read and watched many different philosophies on this, but the biggest "loser" is always the one that eats healthiest and literally works their bums off..