I want to healthy and happy for myself

Well hello everyone my name is Shaquanda and I am 23 year old mom. My story begins with me trying to lose weight at the age of 18 year olds when I notice that I was getting big. From the time I was younger I was always the tall skinny girl in class and I could eat as much as I want without worrying about my weight well until when I had turn 18 and my weight started slowly coming and I was fine at first until now after I had my son so now I am 224 lbs! I have been trying to lose the weight when I had reach the 200s lb mark but each time I had given up. I let my worrying and other things that stress me aa a accuse to go back to my bad eating. I need some friends who are trying to lose weight also so that we can keep each other's encourage. My goal is to be 170 lbs by next year. So who is willing to join me!


  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I'm with you! We do our best when we have the support we need. Stay focused on your goal and you will succeed.