Starting over. Need some accountability. Add me (:

kijum Posts: 14 Member
Hi. My name's Kaley and I'm 25 years old, residing in hot, dusty, rural central Florida.

I'm 5'0" (yeah...) and as of this morning weigh 134.5 pounds.

I was doing okay with the MFP app for a while, though I could have done better if not for "cheat days" and drinking. & I kind of stopped exercising for a long while...

Drinking was a big problem. I'm really hoping to get that under control. No more, "Well I drank two and a half (okay... three... I didn't spill that much) bottles of wine today so I can eat... well, a leaf of lettuce... Maybe."

So... I'm pretty much ready to stop effing around and get my weight under control for (hopefully) the rest of my life. I'm tired of struggling. Tired of having like a month of day one's.

Some of the people in my life (boyfriend, friends, co-workers, etc.) have made things difficult for me. They're trying to sabotage me, man! "You're skinny, you don't need to lose weight! Want anything from Burger King? Don't be rude!" - Co-workers "I made you cookies, I'll be just devastated if you don't eat them. Stop being crazy about your weight, you had twins for Chrissake, you look great!" - friends "I like you the way you are, who are you trying to lose weight for?" - Boyfriend.

Not eating fast food is rude? Yes. I had twins. Four years ago... & for myself, dummy! I occasionally do things for myself, you know.

I appreciate their compliments, but it gets frustrating when you tell someone over and over that you're not happy with yourself and they just don't seem to get it or care. Right? Am I right?

So...being someone with very little self control (heh...) It's been difficult trying to do this on my own. I figure if I can add some people on here I will have a reason to be embarrassed if I don't reach my goals for the week.

And by the way, I respond very well to abuse to feel free to haze me. ;b

So add me!

Thanks for reading,


  • tdecel
    tdecel Posts: 48 Member
    edited May 2015
    Kaley, this is the first time I come here in months and your post just jumped at me. We are very different. Im a male 62 years old in the West Coast, but we share a lot.

    Saturday I drank four bottles of wine. This was not a one day thing. It was the culmination of a 5 week bender that started on a Mexican vacation. There I drank at least one entire bottle of tequila every day plus who knows how many beers. I was there with my wife, sister and Mother. I drank in the closet. They never saw me doing it. Im sneaky.

    I go for 3 or 4 months of sobriety, and then when I start again, I dont stop for several weeks. When I am on the wagon, I exercise 7 days a week, eat right, my weight goes down. When Im off the wagon, the weight goes up.

    Sunday I drove 100 miles with my wife to see my Mother and daughter for Mother's day. I was so sick, I threw up my lunch in front of my Mom. Nice gift to her, ha?

    Anyway, Monday I started my new program. I went for a walk in the morning, but still had to finish 2 bottles of wine during the day just to feel normal. Yesterday was day No. 1 for me. No more booze. I walked 6 miles. I set up a 4 month chart and I intend to stay on it 100%.