42 and only now loving exercise

Hi. My name is Caroline, I am 42yo and live in Western Australia. 10 months ago, I weighed 122.6kg's, and was fed up with the ugly clothes I could choose from when shopping, always feeling tired, and not being looked at like a 'real woman'..you ladies know what I mean about that!. I suffer from Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis in my knees, and had used this as an excuse. One day, I woke up and decided, I have had enough of my weak lame excuses, if the disabled and physically impaired can train hard and get themselves to the Olympics, what excuse so I really have. I started walking on my treadmill, and tracked my calories on MFP religiously. I cut out bread, pasta, sugar and butter. Completely. I served my dinner up on a butter plate not a large dinner plate, and I forced myself to drink lots of water. Walking on my treadmill went to walking but jogging during the chorus of each song (I can not train without music), then after a couple of months I was jogging a song, walking a song and so on. 3 months later,'I decided, I was going to go jogging the streets, every morning. I have now found a passionate love for running. I am a runner. My knees do thier very best to try and stop me, and sometimes they win, but, majority of the time, I win. I joined up at a gym and do almost all the group classes, step, pump, balance, Cx works, luv them. I exercise 6-7 days a week. I wish I had of gotten into this fitness stuff when I was young and my body was more capable. Anyway, 10 months on, and to date, I have lost 40kg's. I have 10kg's to go to reach the goal I set myself. This last 10kgs is being very stubborn, but I will get there. People ask me how I have done it, and this is what I tell them... "Determination, Commitment, Common sense, hard work". That is the answer. There are a few things I could not of done it without. My music playlists, my Jäger sport headphones, my Asics, My Fitness Pal app, and, my Fitbit Flex.
If I can do this, anyone can do this. Start today, continue tomorrow,!and next week do it all again. Yes, at the beginning, it's hard, hard is good, because when you achieve the results and you know how hard it was, has been, your achievement feels so much sweeter! When it hurts, when it's hard, that's when your making changes.
If you fall down, the only failure, is not getting back up.
