ARGH gaining weight for seemingly NO reason!!!

Hello, I am sure there are about a billion posts complaining about this, but I have steadily gained about 7 lbs over the course of 2 months despite the fact that I work out, including weight training twice a week, cardio twice and yoga once a week. I am 5'2" and now 124 lbs. It is really frustrating because my clothes are actually getting tighter!!! Maybe I am overestimating my calorie burn at the gym? I usually net about 1200-1400 calories. Many of my calories come from fat because I eat a lot of olive oil, nuts, and avocado. I didn't think it mattered how much fat I ate as long as I stayed within a normal caloric range and they were healthy fats. I believe my diary is open, so feel free to take a look. Thank you for any help you can give!