Marine to morbid obesity



  • petey200745601
    petey200745601 Posts: 14 Member
    Wow, you guys and gals are amazing. Its nice to see such positive reinforcement here. Half of the reason a lot of people (including me at first) don't wanna work out because they're scared of being judged.

    Question, I really can't run right now, too hard on my knees and I get winded. I'm cycling 3-4 times a week for one hour, going a bit further every time. What strength training would you suggest? I don't have access to a gym ATM. I can't do much as I'm really outta shape..
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    Thank you for your service!

    You can do this, Marine :)
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Logging seems like a pain at first, but it becomes like second nature after a while, and I've found it to work best when I plan ahead.

    Cardio: Any sustained movement is good cardio, especially if you're very heavy. Cycling and walking are fine. I only walk at the moment, and just added treadmill w/ incline to the routine. All that matters is that you can do it and stick to it.

    For strength, you can get dumbell weights and/or resistance bands at a department store and look at youtube for exercises to do with them, and also look for bodyweight exercises.
  • frayed47
    frayed47 Posts: 3 Member
    Your story is inspiring. And thank you for your service. To help answer your question on the strength training, I think cycling is a great way to start. I've had several knee injuries myself, which prevent me from being able to run far distance, but cycling a bit everyday helped me be able to work up to running. Also, little cardio exercises such as jumping jacks, push-ups, lunges, and step-up might help you as well to build up your cardio endurance and strengthen your knee. I hope that helps! Best of luck ☺
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    I think your awesome and whoever that girl was that didn't see that clearly didn't deserve you. I am fairly new to this journey and you will find tons of kind caring and helpful ppl. I believe a lot of us here, myself included not only have baggage to lose from our waist but also the baggage were carrying mentally and spiritually that got us here. Ik as I'm going through this process I too hope to shed not only weight but my lack of self esteem from my own bad relationships. Gl on your journey and I believe as we go through this we will find not only a new body but a new perspective on our life.
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    You're awesome... My bad sorry grammar police
  • karen71078
    karen71078 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, you guys and gals are amazing. Its nice to see such positive reinforcement here. Half of the reason a lot of people (including me at first) don't wanna work out because they're scared of being judged.

    Question, I really can't run right now, too hard on my knees and I get winded. I'm cycling 3-4 times a week for one hour, going a bit further every time. What strength training would you suggest? I don't have access to a gym ATM. I can't do much as I'm really outta shape..

    I have bad knees to and started out walking a mile a day then I went to a mile and a half, now I'm walking 1 mile 2 times a day ..
  • Bemix
    Bemix Posts: 54 Member
    Enjoy the journey! I'd find a new girl/goal to focus on. Unfortunately, that one didn't stick with you or support you through the tough times. Focus on you and not so much on her! :) Thanks for your service!!!
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Good luck man! I'll add that cycling is a great way to do some regular cardio and not get bored to hell. Cycling & MFP helped me more than anything else drop the weight. Remember too that success mostly depends on controlling your calories -- how much you are eating on a regular basis. Exercise is secondary to that.

    It is too bad you can't see your son; I hope you are able to work that out soon.
  • martin_leeann
    martin_leeann Posts: 46 Member
    First off...thank you for your service! I went through a divorce a year and a half ago and I have gained 52 lbs. I also experience anxiety and depression and I'm praying that this journey to wellness helps me to feel better about myself. I'm here for you and am so proud of you! Do this for YOU...not anyone else. I'm learning to be my own best friend and loving who I am even if it's not where I ever imagined I would be. God bless you ❤️
  • krismurphydc
    krismurphydc Posts: 24 Member
    You can definitely do it and are off to a great start! KEEP GOING
  • marinemplunkett69
    marinemplunkett69 Posts: 184 Member
    You got this Devil! Dig down deep and find the motivation you had to join my beloved Marine Corps and once you find it, trap that fire in your heart! Semper Fi! Eeeeerrrrrr Bark bark growl and all that! que927wjnyfc.jpg
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    We all need to be with someone who loves us no matter what...through richer, poorer, fatter, thinner...all of that!

    Congratulations on taking control, you can totally do this and become the best version of you that you can be!

    there are tons of excercises you can do at home without the gym...a lot of people do you tube videos. there are also all of those basic excercises...think back to your basic training days, I'm pretty sure you weren't in a gym too often. Push ups, sit ups, planks, wall squats, arm workouts with home weights (gallons of milk work great).

    Your eating and managing your CICO will be key to ongoing success in weight loss! Good luck, l look forward to following your journey!
  • clmavila
    clmavila Posts: 2 Member
    Wow. My story's similar to a few others on here. Former AF EOD veteran and after getting out, I balooned up to 340lbs at my highest. I got down to about 240 and gained back up to 290. I've been down this road before, due to depression, lack of motivation, and trying to find my place in the civilian world. I'm right there with you petey200745601. Whatever I can provide, I would love for us to help each other. Add me if you'd like someone with a similar path to keep up with, speaking for myself, I need it.
  • petey200745601
    petey200745601 Posts: 14 Member
    Everyday I see some new comments in here of support. Glad to know I'm not the only veteran that coped with everything by overeating.. Makes me feel miserable when people say I'm a marine and they smirk. I know I should be better.

    Also, I should clarify my ex didn't leave me cuz of my weight, I pushed her away due to my own insecurities. She met me when I was big and didn't mind. Im the one who hated it. I don't think I can love someone else if I can't love myself.
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    Adapt and overcome Marine! I started at around the same weight here. It can be done!

    Thank you for your service!
  • petey200745601
    petey200745601 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks bud, will do! I'm gonna keep it off this time. No more shenanigans! Love that word. Lol
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    When we have little ones the word shenanigans seems to come up a lot :) Feel free to add me if you need more support. Also, consider opening your diary, at least to friends. Helps with accountability.
  • petey200745601
    petey200745601 Posts: 14 Member
    How do I open it to everyone?