Day: 1

My name is Amanda. If you want to know my story, I wrote on Introduce yourself called "Time to make a change."
I started my 1,240 calorie diet and exercise today. I currently weigh 181 lbs and my goal is to weigh at least 120 lbs.
I don't eat as much now than I'm used to, and I'm also not as hungry as I thought I'd be. It makes a lot of sense why I've been gaining weight, it's because I eat what ever when ever, and that has not been good on my health.
I'm starting out with a light workout of course because I'm only a beginner. I now walk to and from school, and I ordered T25 to do workouts at home.
That's day one for me. I'll post every day to update on my journey to weight loss.


  • wcope0412
    wcope0412 Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome!!! Good luck on your journey!! You will do fine take those baby steps and do try to over do it your doing great!!!