Starting over.

Joined fitness pal a while ago but never got it off the ground. Now it seems, I have a renewed motivation: a family wedding in August. I have had this level of motivation before: my own son's wedding!!!! But for some reason everything seems to be clicking this time. I am very grateful. I am starting every day with prayer!!!! First week in and I have maintained my calorie goal every day. I am also incorporating exercise (log splitting, situps, walking the dog, gardening). This week I lost 9.6 lbs. I would guess this high number is a lot of water and some body fat. I notice my feet are not puffy. Yesssss!!!!! I am highly motivated, and I can't wait to replace my "before" picture with an "well on the way" picture and then my " after" picture.
Would love to make some friends. I am 69 years old (want to be at or near goal by 70th birthday), in good health generally, faithful Catholic, conservative politically, family oriented. Any like minded folks out there?????? wanting to make friends and encourage each other?